[APP] - version 3.9.x (29. 6. 2015)

Started by Menion, May 22, 2015, 14:36:43

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New Beta version is out. Feel free to test it any report every tiny issue you find? Otherwise probably tomorrow or in Saturday will be published new version on Google Play.

Interesting news is finally available Outdoor Active maps (missing top images, I know). Now they are available only for online access over subscription (we offer one week for free, so suggest at least to test if switching of layers is useful for you), but I believe that till end of June! , they will be available also for download to offline.

@Andrew Heard: I believe, issue was because of export/import and incorrect times in these files. Try it with next beta version, it should be a lot better.
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Hello menion
Quote from: menion on June 02, 2015, 18:39:52
New version 3.9.1 is out.
@balloni55: sorry, I completely forget on this old topic ... so nothing has changed in 3.9.1 around issue with lines
furthermore no improvement  :-[ on Replay #46, #48
QuoteAnd I agree, that there should be some automatic compute and display of results at least as temporary points ...

"theme chooser", why is icon (clotheshanger) 90° rotated? stormy days in Prague ;)

Outdooractive online map, i got a mail for trial subscription from store, but with good internetconection (H) on my device i see endless "loading"

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


From Maps main screen, I select Offline maps, triple dot menu, Details, Select theme. This worked the first time I tried it but subsequent attempts go straight to main map display.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


@balloni55: ah, twice I forget, sorry.

So, tested and it works for me. Fact that you define second point of every line at 2000m or 800m is no important. It say only a direction. Anyway result of such two lines should be intersection on north pole, which works for me correctly:

From your screenshot, it looks more like you defined second point of second line same, as second point of first line.

"Symbol for theme switcher" - well, I tried to make it look similar to "Track record" button. And yes, bad weather near Prague :).

"Outdoor active" - may you create a log for me please? I'm sure, there have to be any error. Thank you

@john_percy: I was able to simulate same problem once, and now it works for me always. Damn. I'll try to watch this carefully
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Hello menion
QuoteOutdoor active" - may you create a log for me please?
not neccessary, this evening it work,  :) perhaps any serverproblem
QuoteAnyway result of such two lines should be intersection on north pole, which works for me correctly:
yes so it works correctly, but by me it works different, see video
The first leg direction 0°  is ok, but the length is shortend to the value of second leg lenght and the direction of second leg is modified althought i set 0° so i get a intersection nearby and not on north pole


Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hmm I was looking on your problem a while and there is need to keep in mind, that every from four points act separately. So if you define third point on map, then third point will be really defined by map. But four point remain on "map center". So if you then use projection on fourth point, you do projection from "map center" and not from manually moved third point. Understand what I mean? Try to define fourth point as projection from certain point. I see there a lot of possible improvements (in this function), but I believe it do not worth it now.
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Hi menion,
have you built your screenshot rearly with intersection?? can you discribe it step by step or with a video?
I am not able to reproduce it :-[
QuoteSo if you define third point on map, then third point will be really defined by map. But four point remain on "map center". So if you then use projection on fourth point, you do projection from "map center" and not from manually moved third point. Understand what I mean?
not rearly, why fourth point remain on mapcenter, second line in intersection consist of defined third point and projection (fourth point)
QuoteTry to define fourth point as projection from certain point
and how can i do this?  :-[
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on June 18, 2015, 08:09:09
New Beta version is out. Feel free to test it any report every tiny issue you find? Otherwise probably tomorrow or in Saturday will be published new version on Google Play.

@Andrew Heard: I believe, issue was because of export/import and incorrect times in these files. Try it with next beta version, it should be a lot better.
I don't believe the incorrect times in export files was because of export/import. The track(s) were created with Locus track editor, and the problems happened before any export. Some bug (maybe) related to 2 navpoints at same location/ different trackpoint, and when merging/ splitting tracks, but anyway I haven't been able to reproduce the error this week, so I can only wait for now until/ if it happens again. Thanks. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: balloni55 on June 19, 2015, 09:38:24
Hi menion,
not rearly, why fourth point remain on mapcenter, second line in intersection consist of defined third point and projection (fourth point)

Every line is defined by two independent points. So if you define first or second line, define these two points separately. In this case, problem is in second point of second line. Here simply tap on "target" icon as before and choose projection. At top you will see "map center" text, so choose here wanted start point for this "projection" and then define projection parameters and confirm it. It should work then.
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Bucky Kid

Hello menion,

in latest beta - import track from gpx into Locus db sometimes overrides category default graphics style and sets it's own style (unpredicted). Again no log because I don't know how to replicate this behaviour because of randomly). The problem persists from earlier versions

Auto-export to GPSies configuration screen doesnt show preset track activity (although it must be set - gpsies don't accept track with no /activity)
- also would be helpful if Locus export manager remembered and shown last activity set for manual export to gpsies (currently it always resets between exports, so activity must be always set again)

Also suggestions:
- Could the default navigation mini dashboard (right to navigation icon) be more configurable (at least for increasing font size)
- I'd like the navigation mini dashboard in guiding mode too, is possible?


Imported track overwrite settings for whole folder?? Eh, it definitely should not! If you find any GPX that do this, let me immediately know, thanks!

GPSies - good point, improved

Navigation "dashboard" - you talk about two small panels with numbers next to navigation arrow? Did you tried use big "Dashboard" instead of this?
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Bucky Kid

Quote from: menion on June 19, 2015, 13:27:43
Imported track overwrite settings for whole folder?? Eh, it definitely should not! If you find any GPX that do this, let me immediately know, thanks!
I don't mean whole category, only the imported track into selected category has set own plotting style (not inherited from category). It hapen only seldom (mostly the track adopts selected category style)

Quote from: menion on June 19, 2015, 13:27:43
Navigation "dashboard" - you talk about two small panels with numbers next to navigation arrow? Did you tried use big "Dashboard" instead of this?
Yes two small panels with numbers next to navigation arrow. What you mean by big Dashboard? I know that this can be supplied by standalone dashboard but once there is the navigation mini dashboard I think it would be good to not waste place by showing two same values twice (custom dashboard can't overlay the default buttons (regardless if Adjust by upper panel is on/off) so I always get this

And also big Dashboard time of arrive shows current time instead uf Unknown if it can't calculate it ;)


modify panel -> Add link to app -> after select an app - modify function hide
modify panel -> Add function to panel -> after select a function - modify function stays

Why is there a difference?

Bucky Kid

I have one more suggestion: please hide the vector style handlet

on raster map source... because it's dead control (space holder)

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Quote from: Bucky Kid on June 20, 2015, 00:26:49
...hide the vector style handlet
look at:
settings -> map control & panels -> map screen - panels

but it is not visible with raster maps.
or do you use a vector map overlay?