[APP] - version 3.7.x (16. 3. 2015)

Started by Menion, March 09, 2015, 18:00:42

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Version ready for Beta test, enjoy it!

@gynta: hmm I think this popup may be visible also when you start track record from widget, right?
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Hi menion
thanks for new version ;)
my first impression from "cut part of track"... work as expected ;)
- one small issue, after i have confirmed cut action with "delete" complete track is invisible :(. I have to zoom in or out to see modified track :)
- little wording issue, action is named "cut part of track" and confirming button is named "delete"

one other issue also in PRO:
- if i create a copy of track "TEST" from trackfolder, the copy is named "TEST"
- if i create a copy of track "TEST" from track preview/arrow up/create copy the copy is named "TEST-copy"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Guido Farina

Cut part of track works perfectly to me, track editing has become a killer feature in Locus, i always need to delete part of a recorded trail after a walk in the mountains due to errors, now i can delete all the points in a time instead of one by one


Quote from: menion on March 26, 2015, 20:24:16
@gynta: hmm I think this popup may be visible also when you start track record from widget, right?
right. but in my case...


think there is a wrong description text:


already reported yesterday (inside locus by mail) but i fear, i wasn't precise enough - sorry for that.

to enter locus store from map manager -> vector -> downloald maps
end in a errorCode 102


training manager

i can't leave menu with unfinished settings

Bucky Kid

There's a bug in latest Locus: editing track point location doesn't work and insert new point into track is completely missing. Is that intentional?


Quote from: Bucky Kid on March 27, 2015, 18:08:40
There's a bug in latest Locus: editing track point location doesn't work and insert new point into track is completely missing. Is that intentional?
"latest" means?
because in new beta it works like https://youtu.be/B_dB4g23ph4


@balloni: thanks, "Delete" fixed. About "copy" - try to copy track in tracklist to same folder ;)

@0709: correct, different sounds for left/right are not implemented for now. Consider this as a first step. Instead of different sounds I think about simplified TTS messages. What you think?

When you set distance on change to 50m, then you may see guiding line to track, which is always at least 50 metres long. And locus notify on changes based on this line. So when you set this line to 200m, then you'll usually get notifications 200 metres before they appear. Does it make sense or is this system useless?

To prevent using generator for compute extra waypoints, use "notify on every trackpoint". This should prevent generating extra navigation waypoints by generator.

Error message ... interesting. I'll check it, thanks. Probably a problem in TTS file, where someone forget to change %D to %D1, gynta? :)

@Guido Farina: glad to hear it.

@gynta: in "Training manager" will be a lot more incorrect words. As you maybe noticed, I do not even placed these words to Crowdin because I'm still not sure about many words etc. Keep this is early Beta version.

Error in store - hmm probably Peters change on server, thanks! I've forwarded this issue to him.

And leaving manager empty - hmm seems to be missing some "Dismiss" button. Fine
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Quote from: menion on March 27, 2015, 19:15:35Probably a problem in TTS file, where someone forget to change %D to %D1, gynta? :)

you'r right! found some missing %Dx 


QuoteAbout "copy" - try to copy track in tracklist to same folder ;)
thats correct, but  it doesn´t matter how copy is done and to which folder ,it should have allways the addition "copy"

My first attempt with new "Guidance" on my jogging tour this afternoon
- general device time out 30 sec.
- screen ON/OFF control ON and all options checked
- next wpt notification "text to speech"

action > screen on and TTS info allways 90 m in front of wpt :), eg "turn left"
but while hiking (1,5m/sec) after 45 meter, and while jogging (2,5m/sec) after 75 meter the screen turn off :P
so if i reach the wpt screen is off  :o and i didn´t recognize which way "left" i should take, sometimes 2 or 3 ways are possible.
So my idea, start count down for screen off if wpt is reached, so screen is allways on in area of wpt :)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


rec widget starts locus pro - so i  delete pro - and now...
...widgets are gone.
damn  ;D


@gynta: hmm yes, there were issues in English, but mentioned error is probably in german TTS file. Please check it, there should be now changed values %D to %D1 or %D2. In case of german translation, you seems to use %D2 in same as %D1, so there should be in all actions value %D1. I can explain more deeply in TTS topic, if won't be clear why this.

@balloni: hmm interesting idea. I'll try to improve it if I do not forget :)
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Quote from: 0709 on March 27, 2015, 09:50:25
On some occasions this message appears using the testversion. (Selecting TTS)

Willy you are using own TTS, modified file? If so, may you share it with me? If not, which language you use for TTS?
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