Geocaching - where do 'notes' go?

Started by UKlocusfan, February 01, 2015, 19:38:59

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Ok, I've incorrectly made notes in Locus when Geocaching instead of making field notes.

The notes I have made for each cache are problematic as they are not able to be copied but I can press the 'upload' button.

With the great help of balloni55 in another thread I can now upload all okay, but when I upload a note it says the process was successful.... but where does it go? I can't find the note on the Geocaching website and have no idea where it was uploaded to?

Am I being foolish?
If you know why the note (not field note) has an upload option and where it goes I'd be grateful to know as I've looked at the manual and it states:
To write down your own note to geocache:

get to geocaching screen by tapping any cache on the map.
tap the button named Notes
You can use this feature for paperless geocaching.

What to make a note about?

For example:

the answer to a question of a stage
calculation formula
hints to remember
the shopping list for things you need on your next geocaching trip

But it doesnt actually tell you where it uploads to and how it can be accessed on the Geocaching website.

Thanks in advance.  :)


QuoteIf you know why the note (not field note) has an upload option and where it goes I'd be grateful to know
please discribe step by step what you do for now
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hi balloni55.

I can now do fieldnotes properly and thanks to you they upload to the geocaching website.

But if you look at a geocaching in Locus then do the following: the main menu button in top right as you are looking at the geocache details.
2.the 4th option down is notes. can then write a note and choose to cancel, upload or save.
4.when it is uploaded, it says the upload was successful, but where does it go and what is it as it seems completely different to fieldnotes.

Thanks alot.


Hi UKlocusfan,

this kind of notes are for save your private comment to the website of the geocache. If you are logged in with your account at groundspeak you can read this comment nearly the coordinate field.

Zufall ist, wenn das Schicksal eine Maske aufsetzt, um nicht erkannt zu werden.  (Wepper)


Thanks KaHeMu,
I am logged into the website but cant see a section for notes anywhere.
Do you have a link please?
Thank you again.


Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks alot again balloni55,

Well, I can honestly say I've tried a few test notes of my own and they do not appear on and don't appear where you pointed out.

I have no idea why they don't appear but I am sure that function is not working for me.

Very very confusing indeed but thank you for taking the time to make the screenshot.


Quote from: UKlocusfan on February 02, 2015, 22:28:40
Thanks alot again balloni55,

Well, I can honestly say I've tried a few test notes of my own and they do not appear on and don't appear where you pointed out.

I have no idea why they don't appear but I am sure that function is not working for me.

Very very confusing indeed but thank you for taking the time to make the screenshot.
I believe that personal notes are a premium member feature on Have you paid the dues?


Thanks stebu,
I'd sorta thought that could be the only solution.
And the answer to that is... nope, I ain't re-subscribed yet.
Think its time for mr plastic card to make an appearance.  lol

Thanks ALL for your help.