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Glopus Map Support?

Started by taunide, January 15, 2015, 14:02:39

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Hi there,

I just moved to Android with my Tablet device (Smartphone is still Windows Handheld), installed LOCUS (Pro) and transferred some of my maps to it via Mobac/Maptiler, creating very large sqlite files (about 8-10x the size of my earlier jpg-based maps)
However, it's not possible to migrate most of my historical map collection who can't be georeferenced in the (common Google) 2-point format. Most older (not quadrangle) maps (German: Gradabteilungskarten) are of that kind. For most of them it's also not possible to create world files because they are just not tilted but have some weird projections (each edge with different angles).
In the WM world we used to had GLOPUS for calibrating each kind of these strange maps on any of the 4 outer edge points in the Globus Map Manager/GMM (Windows PC app), delivering very basic text files (*.KAL format) for each map file looking like this:

ScaleY = 23260.158804
ScaleX = 15427.813501
OffLaenge = 10.061365
OffBreite = 50.438207
[Calibration Point 1]
Longitude = 10.058726
Latitude = 50.522250
Pixel = POINT(0,0)
[Calibration Point 2]
Longitude = 10.190288
Latitude = 50.523847
Pixel = POINT(1989,0)
[Calibration Point 3]
Longitude = 10.192923
Latitude = 50.439840
Pixel = POINT(1989,1992)
[Calibration Point 4]
Longitude = 10.061365
Latitude = 50.438207
Pixel = POINT(0,1992)
Bitmap = 04-Fladungen-1900.jpg
Size = SIZE(1989,1992)
Projection = Geodetic
CoSys = Geodetic

and the map belonging to it here:

(world files alike naming for map as *.kal file in same directory)

This is based on a Bavarian map of 1900 (part of a big topographical atlas) found at geogreif host.

Good thing is that GLOPUS reads all of that maps in a certain directory, and Globus developer Peter Kirst created a format where to add thousands of map tiles and calibration files (containing as much as 100-1000 maps) into a single file called .GMF (basically some kind of compression)
Bad thing was performance of antique WM5 and 6 versions but that's a known issue, and solved with WM Handheld.
Other bad thing is Glopus was'nt transferred to Android, and no Android app knows to handle these maps (except GPS Mate which only handles *one* map at a time, where the cursor is in, and closes/opens the next when moving it. But this behavior isn't really sexy)

So would it be possible to integrate Glopus map support in LOCUS?



Good day taunide,

seems that you are first who is interested in such map format -

Feel free to post this idea to our Help center.

Temporary workaround should be convert your image maps to KML format with GroundOverlay feature. It should work in similar way as your Glopus maps. Sample should be found for example in Locus Store > Providers > ShoddyNet (KMZ maps for Australia)
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Good day,
In the meantime MAPC2MAPC64 supports KAL-files. It creates sqlite-files from almost any map source in a fast and good working manner and isn't expensive to register for a full version. (CLOSED)