[APP] - version 3.5.X+ (updated 12.12.2014)

Started by tramp20, December 12, 2014, 18:20:58

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Quote from: gynta on December 13, 2014, 18:13:14
QuoteAnother question: how can I disable displaying all the stuff from the poi.db? Even if the eye-symbol shows "0" all the icons are still on map. Or I'm wrong?
Same problem here 8)
because i have to set my icon size to 120% on a trip - but I don't want to see hundreds of unwanted POIs if no(!) POI is selected and i don't want to see a popup on all unwanted POIs. Looks crazy in a big town  ::)

My workaround: renamed the vectormap.
Now POI.db has sense (for me)


POI db:
Locus ignores "Map icon size" in "setting -> Map - objects & style -> style on map" on App start
(Doesn't load POI.db icons at start)
To check: Set icon size to 300% and restart Locus.
After first zoom or map moving, icons are loaded.

Map manager -> Vector -> Delete a map...
-> Deleted map is still in list.
List should be refreshed after del operation.

Right panel
Locus ignores "Always hidden"
in "Settings -> Map control &  panels .> Map screen panels -> Right panel visibility"
at App start.


- not loading POI after start - fixed
- visible right panel - fixed
- not removed map after delete - I'm unable to simulate it. You delete map stored in default Locus/mapsVector directory?
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Quote from: menion on December 16, 2014, 09:51:30
- You delete map stored in default Locus/mapsVector directory?
yep, map was removed from sdcard- but i have to re-enter the map manager/vector tab for a actual list.

Ah, got it - It occurs when the last map will be deleted. so, it's not really terrible :)


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- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Guido Farina

I get a crash every time i try to edid track points


Hello Guido,

issue already found yesterday. Will be fixed in tomorrow 3.5.3 version. Sorry for a troubles.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Merry chrismas to all and a special thank to our 'locus genii' for all the nice software versions in 2014 and the great support.

*hope, that the slow vector maps will be fixed soon. Can not use it in the wild :(


Thanks Christian, same to You too :)

Maps cause troubles only in zooms 10 - 13 or also other zoom levels as well. And only huge map of Germany or also a smaller maps (parst of Germany)? Because I though it is a problem only of huge Germany map in zooms 10 - 13, isn't?
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Locus Store map of England is roughly half the speed to redraw of OpenAndroMaps map of Great Britain at zoom 9 and 10 on my MotoG (roughly 20 seconds compared to 10 seconds).
At zoom 8, I get the world map, and at zoom 11 and greater, the speed of redraw is too great to make sensible comparisons (3 or 4 seconds max).

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


First of all
Merry Christmas
to all locus users and espetially to menion and his team!

If i delete a attached picture from poi, close this poi and reopen it, the attachement is furthermore available.
This was also reported on G+
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on December 24, 2014, 11:02:57
Thanks Christian, same to You too :)

Maps cause troubles only in zooms 10 - 13 or also other zoom levels as well. And only huge map of Germany or also a smaller maps (parst of Germany)? Because I though it is a problem only of huge Germany map in zooms 10 - 13, isn't?

Using map Bayern.map from Locus store with bayern.poi. Combination of lags in higher zoom levels, poi data, popups ('address not found' and track info) and cold fingers on bike let me rename the poi db to decrease loaded data. But the map is slow.
But... enjoy holidays!


POI database handling

Hello Menion,
I have been testing and trying the early versions in beta since a year maybe. And the mechanics of association by naming convention is still working, which is good. And POI search was only an explicit user function.
Now, in addition, with the feature going into official PRO version, there is an automatic presentation of tons of POIs when you use the Locus-provided maps as a base. I do share the concerns I have seen in other comments, critizinging that there is no control over amount and type of object to be shown.
I fully understand you do not want to invest science to improve here. But a few simple things would help:
1) in the list fo POIs allow to restrict to the perimeter of the map currently shown. Not hard, as you know and show the distances to the map center already. To make things trivial, just take the radius of the enclosing circle around the map shown as the inclusion criteria. Zero confighuration, all on the fly. Currently selecting huts e.g. will fill you a list fo 100 elements, incl huts being 50 or more than 100 kms away. My suggestion will allow to assemble relevant POIs of different kinds without accumulating 100s of them in the selection.
2) Maps like OpenAndroMaps are really great and I typically use them. But POI handling then is totally disconnected - you have a long list of available DBs, that is all. But you already have this "fast map switch" mechanics; just employ it to the POI DBs as well. Currently you show a full list of .DBs you found after startup. Simply offer the 5 or so nearest to the map center. Same way you do for maps themselves.
3) No science, but a great user support would be "profiles", defining a subset of POI types to be shown. That is somewhat more work for sure and may be beyond the limit of your current investment of time.
Besides that I wish you and family a nice Xmas time and all the best for upcoming 2015.




Geocache info:
two times same naming, but with different meaning

Geocache sorting:
and if i understand it right, different naming with same function. For me "publish" is more understandabel also in geocache info

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4