Can't add or change a categorie

Started by emcolt, March 28, 2011, 19:14:56

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With V. 1.2.0, I can't add or change a categorie :?: .

kind regards


hey, do you know how this happen?? Only after install of new version or did you do something special?

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Hi menion

I have with version 1.1 or in the past, 2 categories laid out. I wanted to lay out a new category now. I couldn't save. When changing I cannot save either.



may you please send me your dbmain file from data directory? This hold info about you categories. I'll look at what is the problem, probably fix this file and sent you back ... thanks
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Hi menion

I have found the file. It was write-protected. :oops:  I have noticed that files are on the external SD card's writing gun again and again. I still must find out why. Nevertheless thank you.



what do you mean by "writing gun again and again". Anyway how it's possible that file is set to write-only? Grr could this be done by Locus itself? weird ...
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Hi emcolt,

i've got a galaxy s too. what rom do you use? i think it isn't a software problem. it's the good old sammy making you problems...

cheers, berkley
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