[APP] - version 2.19.X+ (updated 17.3.2014)

Started by Menion, February 14, 2014, 13:53:34

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At zoom=14 or scale=1000m (don't know which is critical), the zoom value is not displayed in recent versions. See screenshots

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Ivo Nörenberg

What is the last Locus version which work with all IMG files? I need my Canada topo maps for one trip.
Xiaomi Mi10 Pro


Quote from: john_percy on March 22, 2014, 00:37:15
At zoom=14 or scale=1000m (don't know which is critical), the zoom value is not displayed in recent versions. See screenshots

Also zoom 10 behaves the same way. Pro 2.19.1, vector map of Turkey. When this behaviour occurs, you cannot get the zoom level displayed, it shows the short distance, then probably two times the longer distance and then back to the short.
Now I changed maps to online, and every zoom level was OK. Then switched back to Turkish map, and no problems there, either??? 


@szebenyib: problem with import of caches fixed. It was caused by "weird" GC code you use for Hungarian caches

@c.s.g.: I see there two issues. In you file are two marks that say that cache is computed and both not work.
1. issue is in Locus. Locus incorrectly handle types of waypoints in your file. I had to rewrite part of old code so now it will be fine. Anyway please rather test it. I also hope it won't affect work with waypoints at all :)

2. issue is in exported file. In GSAK GPX extension is directly wrote ( it's here http://www.gsak.net/xmlv1/6/gsak.xsd )
QuoteThe root elements defined by this schema are intended to be used as child elements of the "extensions" elements in the GPX schema

Which is exactly how it should work. So in waypoint should be


But "gsak:wptExtension" is directly in waypoint and not in <extensions> tag which is wrong. I may update Locus so this will work also, but I'll not do it, because it seems to be issue in GSAK export. If you are in touch with GSAK developer, please notify them about it.

@john_percy, stebu: zoom values are drawn in case, there is enough place for them. Did you tried to tap on this scale bar? It has four modes that cycle as you tap on it. Short without zoom, Short with zoom, Long without zoom, Long with zoom ;), so try Long one and it maybe helps.

@ivolino: as I see in code, I did major changes to handling IMG files at 3. February 2014, so version 2.19.0 already contain these changes. Versions before should be fine.

And new version will be in first post hope till one hour

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@menion: thank you for the information. I will contact the gsak developers for issue 2. I hope I am able to explain issue 2, so it is clear for them.

If they fix issue  2, is it than necessary for you, to fix issue 1 as well? Or does the fix of issue 2 fixes issue 1 automatically?



Hello menion,

I have contacted the GSAK developer.
As the result there are to more attached gpx files:

(1) GC-Home 2014-03-23 06-08.gpx
Because of setting a checkbox within the export dialog of gsak the <gsak:wptExtension> are completly missing in this file.

(2) GC-Home 2014-03-23 06-12.gpx
Because of setting the correct version number within the export dialog of gsak the <gsak:wptExtension>-tags are now correctly embedded betweeen  <extensions> and </extensions> 

The result checking Locus Pro 2.19.0:
(1) still does not set the "Berrechnet"-flag.
(2) works  as expected!!

So you can reverse the sourcecode changes you made for me in issue 1 in order to avoid any unwanted side effects  ;).



Quote from: menion on March 22, 2014, 21:46:22
@john_percy, stebu: zoom values are drawn in case, there is enough place for them. Did you tried to tap on this scale bar? It has four modes that cycle as you tap on it. Short without zoom, Short with zoom, Long without zoom, Long with zoom ;), so try Long one and it maybe helps.
I've always had only three steps in the cycle. But the tapping on the scale bar has felt unresponsive, so it is possible that my device will not show Short with zoom.

But the problem was definitely different: at one zoom level I had the zoom level visible, then when I changed the zoom level to a particular level (11 I quess) the zoom level was not displayed, changed the zoom again and zoom level is there?

Now I see the light. If I allow landscape screen, I can see the 4 cycles. On portrait mode the side menu also affects whether zoom level fits or not.
I have suggestions:
1) It's not necessary to display decimal km (10.0) 10 is fine, even 1 km
2) Make it so, that with  Long + zoom  the zoom level is always visible
3) Could you make the scale lengths so that the significant (first) digit is 1, 2, 5, 1, ...


Thanks for new testversion
Quoterelating to my post #93
6. update cache - no improvement, same behavior ???
7. scale photo - no improvement, same behavior ???
futhermore no improvement :(

Quotesettings/geocaching/limit stored logs
if i set limit to 5 logs, 4 logs are loaded
if i set limit to 10 logs, 5 logs are loaded after cacheupdate
partly solved, 5 logs ok :)
if i set 10 logs only 5 logs are loaded furthermore :(

Quotein Pro the "Titel" is marked and i can overwrite directly the date
in Test the "Name " is not marked, this is not handy
no answer, no change?  ;)

#87 gynta posted
Quotesmall uncleanness in gui
see video
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@c.s.g.: perfect.

Did you tried first file in new test version? Because there was problem no. 1, which is fixed in this version and which helps on this file to correctly set "Found" flag.

@stebu: hmm yes, first and second steps should be sometimes same, because when there is no place for map scale, Locus just do not draw it.

I have some requests on improvements of map scale since begin, but I think it's fine now. To next version, I just reduce font size by one pixel and add smaller spaces to both sides between border and text. So hope it will help you. And in case there will not be enough space for a whole zoom value and percents, you will see only zoom without percent.
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balloni thanks, may you please create for me also small video for a problem no 6. ? Because I tried it on around five devices and on all it works correctly for me! Thanks
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
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Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello menion,

Quote@c.s.g.: perfect.

Did you tried first file in new test version? Because there was problem no. 1, which is fixed in this version and which helps on this file to correctly set "Found" flag.

No, I have tested it only with the "offical" Locus Pro Version 2.19.0 available via Google Play

Because you wrote
Quote@c.s.g.: I see there two issues. In you file are two marks that say that cache is computed and both not work.
1. issue is in Locus. Locus incorrectly handle types of waypoints in your file. I had to rewrite part of old code so now it will be fine. Anyway please rather test it. I also hope it won't affect work with waypoints at all :)

I thought it is better to test it with the realesad version only. If it work there, and you do not have to change anything in sourcecode, then there will not be any unwanted side effects caused by changig that code  ;).

But if you wish, I can  test it with the latest test version of Locus as well ...



Hello menion,

Quote from: c.s.g. on March 23, 2014, 09:57:11
Hello menion,

Quote@c.s.g.: perfect.

Did you tried first file in new test version? Because there was problem no. 1, which is fixed in this version and which helps on this file to correctly set "Found" flag.

No, I have tested it only with the "offical" Locus Pro Version 2.19.0 available via Google Play

Because you wrote
Quote@c.s.g.: I see there two issues. In you file are two marks that say that cache is computed and both not work.
1. issue is in Locus. Locus incorrectly handle types of waypoints in your file. I had to rewrite part of old code so now it will be fine. Anyway please rather test it. I also hope it won't affect work with waypoints at all :)

I thought it is better to test it with the realesad version only. If it work there, and you do not have to change anything in sourcecode, then there will not be any unwanted side effects caused by changig that code  ;).

But if you wish, I can  test it with the latest test version of Locus as well ...


I have tested the first gpx file (GC-Home 2014-03-21.gpx) and the last gpx file (GC-Home 2014-03-23 06-12.gpx) using for import with the latest test version Locus Free
Both imports works as expected.



Quote from: menion on March 23, 2014, 09:38:39
@stebu: hmm yes, first and second steps should be sometimes same, because when there is no place for map scale, Locus just do not draw it.
If two steps are the same, does that explain why it sometimes looks and feels unresponsive? If so, not good.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Ivo Nörenberg

Xiaomi Mi10 Pro