[APP] - version 2.19.X+ (updated 17.3.2014)

Started by Menion, February 14, 2014, 13:53:34

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this will be probably fixed in next version where I changed a little bit system for adding attachments
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Took the latest test version for a Geocache test run. It worked a treat, the button layout on caches is great for my thick fingers. Apart from the problems mentioned by others in the thread (which did not really bother me, as I updated Pro DB with what I wanted, and the Function UI is cosmetic), everything worked fine. Hopefully you will retain this UI for the next Pro release.
Wish the caching had been as good, to many DNF's [:)], but no software change is going to improve that


Glad to hear and thank you! for a field testing. And yes, I want to test this new screen and some other stuff as much as possible and somewhere around 20th of March publish version on Google Play

And, new test version for long win ... ehm, summer evenings. @balloni - it's mainly your turn now ;)
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Quote from: menion on February 14, 2014, 13:53:34
11.3.2014 - Locus
- fixed small problems with search for localized photo

my camera directory is /storage/extSdCard/DCIM
set by camera:

Locus is searching on the wrong place ;) .. and found (of course) nothing


about "new screen for points"

I don't know why "basic" is so important?
For a user like me with small device, there is no distinct different from basic to edit view.
but to edit i have two more clicks.

The little preview of the poi icon is sweet - but that (and the top bar (to go back to map) waste my small screen space.

Why i can't tap the point on map and Locus brings me to a screen with allowing view info AND edit (the basics) ?
In current "basic" its possible (a little bit) to edit, so why not all?
I also will bring back some nice words from Stefan - here in forum :D

Maybe I overlooking something.
So tell me :)

but also lets have a look and compare basic and edit:


Quoteballoni - it's mainly your turn now
here i am ;D
relating to my post #93
1. open attachement - good solution, solved
3. your poll - waiting inquisitively
4 1/2. hint - ok
6. update cache - no improvement, same behavior ???
7. scale photo - no improvement, same behavior ???

after i take the photo the "Basic info" is shifted, after click attachement and +, it is not possible to take more photos you first have to store.
solved :)

open a cache it start by default in "Basic INFO". If i reopen it, it open in the last used view,
is that intentional

i noticed a peripheral behavior while using the testversion.
If I open a cache via GC4L - Livemap, the import works as expected.
If I import a cache via GC4L - GCcode, locuspro automatically open to complete the import. ???
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on March 12, 2014, 09:11:45

i noticed a peripheral behavior while using the testversion.
If I open a cache via GC4L - Livemap, the import works as expected.
If I import a cache via GC4L - GCcode, locuspro automatically open to complete the import. ???

This has happened to me, I realised it was due to my setting Locus Pro as the default for opening caches from email, downloaded, etc.. 


Quotesetting Locus Pro as the default for opening caches
thanks for opening my eyes ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



Menion, if you working on store  ;)
see shot...

Bucky Kid

I'm testing version and the edit buttons conflict is resolved (thanks). I found another nonstandard thing in edit point screen: pressing back button saves changes instead cancel changes. I think that back button has everywhere function as Esc on PC keyboard.
And problem concerning all dialogs in Locus not too easy to describe: upper toolbar with copy/cut/paste buttons is moved out of the screen after lomg pressing on text field in bottom part of screen and sliding out virtual keyboard (when virt keyboard slides up also the dialog). This causes clipboard operations unavailable.

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk



- incorrectly working Automatic backup

This seems to be very difficult to you :-)

Can I write my observations?

1. In the backup manager I set the date of the next backup. Locus makes this backup perfect but not the following ones.
    This dates remains unchanged on the display.
2. If I change then this (old) date to the next wanted date then Locus again makes only on backup.
3. So you should simply update this date of the next backup to the real next date (add the repeat days).
    This has the advantage we all see this next day and of course Locus too :-)

I hope that this will be a solution.for this tiresome automatic backup problem.
I tried this over several days.
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8

Leeds Tyke

In previous versions of Locus I was able to open a field note, add some text and upload it as a log to GC.com. In this version it ignores the field note and creates a new log. Incidentally, creating a log from a field note within the app is very fiddly. Could it be simplified?

Ivo Nörenberg

In the new beta version 2.19.4 the touchscreen is not working anymore. In 2.19.1 Pro version touchscreen is working.
Also Garmin img. maps are not working anymore in 2.19.1.
Xiaomi Mi10 Pro


sorry for a two days without response here ... so now all at once :)

@gynta: with camera it's a problem, so as I wrote here http://help.locusmap.eu/responses/error-in-search-of-photo-positioned#comment-9381

@gynta: discussion about POI screen - I'll copy here part of our discussion from ICQ. If anyone has something to say to this topic, I'll gladly hear it. Because currently it's only gynta + joeloc against me :)

QuoteAs I wrote in some topic, my first version was also without this edit button. But whole screen was really looong, sometimes instead of scroll, I tap into field so keyboard popup. Also imagine you store some point from GPS, then there will be more fields then just "Altitude". Also in case of geocaches, there is a lot more fields. Another point is description - it should contain also html code, so how to decide if show rendered web page or it's source code?

I had in mind since start, to create a screen without edit as I wrote. But later I had to rewrite it to current state. And to be true - it's not so un-usuall. Many programs from Google use this. At least on my device, contacts or calendar works in same was - edit button.

@balloni: problem with refreshing is weird, and with scaling a photo also. I'll have to look on it more carefully and test it on more devices ...

@gynta: scrolling .. hmm, have to test it. And forget on store - I'm rewritting it from sratch so it will be completely new

@Bucky kid: cannot agree with back button. Try some Google apps like contacts, calendar etc. They all do not have "Save" button and by back, you immediately save it. I'll check problem with copy/paste top panel, thanks

@tramp: yes, I also do not understand why, but seems that I miss something in Android programming :) Thank for hints

@Leeds type: hmm thank you, I'll check it. About simplification: I don't know. If you have any idea how it should look like, please create new idea here help.locusmap.eu , so we should discuss about it on one place.

@ivolino: touch screen do not work? May you describe it little bit ... more? Also in latest test version from first post, img maps should work as expected or they aren't?
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