Track arrows

Started by Christian, October 10, 2013, 14:07:55

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Hi guys,
changing 'line color ' in folder setting to 'altitude' displays track arrows in light neon green (when track under the cross = inverted colors). But unfortunately the arrows are displayes in a bad manner: i cannot see the direction. see both screenshots. One with folder setting 'line' = altitude, the other one with 'line' = simple line.
I use circuits / looped tracks only. Sometimes loop in loop or figured as 'eight'. Knowing the right direction is essential.


@Menion: can you please improve the arrow colurs to a solid color? AND i would suggest to display the arrows constantly (with a option to deactivate).

Thanx and greetings,


Hi Christian,
  when you define styles for tracks, there is also a "base color". This color is usually used for coloring all lines, arrows etc. In this case, this color is also used for arrows, so change base color of your folder to change color of arrows.

  to second part - drawing of arrows for whole time is not a best idea. It slow down rendering a lot and because map drawing isn't as fast as I would like even without these arrows, I really don't want to slow it down even more, sorry (I know - optional - but even an optional feature require some work)
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Hi menion,
: when line color = altitude in folder setting is set, the color of the track changes from blue (flat) over green, yellow to red (high). Only the arows remain light neon green and cannot identified.
I tried another color for track. The color of the arrows remain the same :-(
Any further hints?

: i understand your idea of not slowing down rendering. But an option to show the arrows constantly would be very useful!


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hmm I tried to create a video on device and seems that dropbox is unable to play it, but on pc it works fine , so try it, othewise I'll try to create it once more
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Thanx... now i was able to download and play it offline.
Now i understand the complexity of drawing the inverse colors of the arrow  :o
And i have to set it for each track insead of using general settings like the folder settings.
When i switch back from line = altitude to line = basic color i have to change the color????

Am i wrong?


hmm and settings just for folder do not work? If you have your tracks set to use "Style of folder", not own style, then changing of style of folder should affect all tracks at once
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Thinking about the idea over night comes to the question:
Has map_items_track_highlight_enabled=0 in config file the function that the colors are not inverted but no arrows are shown?


yes, it has opposite effect then you want. It completely disable ability to highlight tracks when they're selected. It's because of need to make map faster
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Thanx menion for your support and patience. I gonna try the best color and settings that will work for me...
Thread can be moved to bin.


sure, you're welcome.

hmm you bring me one more idea ... I'll prepare something to next version, that should help you, you'll be surprised if this will work ;)
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Please wait before moving this thread.
I got an additional question about circuits with  cossing loops. See screenshot.
Where to go?
Is there a possibility to draw the crossings in a better way?


Christian and why you don't use "guiding" feature? Because this feature should display just line on map, pointing to some place before you. Then you should know where to go without need for some arrows or better drawing of crossings

christian, check this version - mainly try to set various styles for track (dashed, dotted ... arrowed ;) )
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Thanx menion for this special support. Looks very useful and i will play with the arrows on my next tour after the regular update.
Great idea and great work!