Testing and free discussion (Forum vs GetSatisfaction)

Started by Menion, August 28, 2013, 16:25:30

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hey .. voting test
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hmm I'm just playing with idea of some similar possibility to GetSatisfaction. Few users (more and more), like Ivo now, don't know where to post it's questions so rather post them on both sites. For me and also you, it's just more work. I now spend more and more time by some support email/getsatisfaction/forum here/czech geocaching forum and one main czech site about android ... so I'm searching for a way to reduce it ...
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I could get some satisfaction if we could resign to use the website with the same name :)


QuoteFew users (more and more), like Ivo now, don't know where to post it's questions so rather post them on both sites
Hi menion,
one idea, insert a category "Getsatisfaction" here in the new Forumstyl :) and close the otherone ???

  • so it is clear for all where to post
  • new users have to create only one account
  • login only one time
  • the overview for all of us will be much better
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


... and we have full access from all countries in the world (getsatisfaction can't be accessed from seveal countries due to filtering of supposed content) and can use it with tapatalk  ;D


hehe, you're looking on it from your point of view. But there is also another one. Most of Locus users is in age 30 - 50. Rather older then younger. And it's important to have quite simple system. GetSatisfaction is simple. Have a problem? Post a problem, have a question? post a question. Something new? You'll get email.

That was main reason why I created also GS. "Problem" now is that there is quite a lot of places. We're three on it, I, Peter and Hanka and also many of You (I btw. never stop to be surprised how much you help me with support), but even with this, there is too much support. So we hired one young guy, that help us with preparing improved basics on wiki here http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/playground:main_new and I'm now testing if there may be also some changes in GS ...

we'll see :)
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Quote from: menion on August 28, 2013, 21:38:51
hehe, you're looking on it from your point of view. But there is also another one. Most of Locus users is in age 30 - 50. Rather older then younger.
You may guess how old I am (a hint: not younger than the range you mentioned)

Quote from: menion
And it's important to have quite simple system. GetSatisfaction is simple. Have a problem? Post a problem, have a question? post a question. Something new? You'll get email.
The only benefit compared to my favourite forum (yes, it really is!) I see is the email.
The users I see on GS are almost all quite experienced, on about the same level as here.
My guess is that the not experienced people don't write in a forum at all.

Quote from: menion
So we hired one young guy, that help us with preparing improved basics on wiki
Ah, I already wondered who is  zdrazil


Quote from: tommi on August 29, 2013, 16:22:55
Quote from: menion on August 28, 2013, 21:38:51
hehe, you're looking on it from your point of view. But there is also another one. Most of Locus users is in age 30 - 50. Rather older then younger.
You may guess how old I am (a hint: not younger than the range you mentioned)

nice surprise, but you just confirmed what I wrote :)

Yes Vladimir Zdrazil is one guy also from Czech, that should do some basic texts, because I don't want to spend too much time with them and they're needed for fast support ... like "Have a problem? read here :)"

I'll be thinking about what you wrote "My guess is that the not experienced people don't write in a forum at all". New forum looks quite nice from my point of view and with some more improvements to make it better organized and maybe some working plugin for voting on topics, it should be usable alternative to GetSatisfaction ...
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+1 for forum with voting feature.

At voting: should it be possible to make me change my vote?
In the browser (chrome on my mobile), I was only able to click once on the rating stars. What, if it was a mistake?


+1 for this forum
+1 for voting
+1 for "Karma / Thanks" even in Tapatalk

Put a sticky notice on GetSatisfaction to promote the suport in this forum and in a half year all users have changed.
Age should not be a problem for changing a forum. Yes... i talking about me.
If i need support to get to the other side of the street i don't need support for a navigation software.