[APP] - version 2.13.X+ (updated 1.8.2013)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2013, 19:50:00

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hm in this case yes, it's correct value. There is one small issue that favorites are sorted from 0 to max, so caches with most favorite points are in the end. Just invert sorting or scroll down. Maybe this helps ... I'll fit it to next version
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Quote from: "menion"@christian: eh .. didn't you updated your ROM? Or are you using any special ROM in your device? There is no reason for this, because as I remember, I do not changed anything in this screen. Is this happening only in this tracks screen or also in any other?
Stock rom, no root.
Problem is gone after reboot and re-update automatically.
Thanx for your fast reply.

New version is quick :) nice!


i tried to find a system to the way locus sorts my caches when choosing "favorites", but i can´t find any - first cache in list has 2 favorite points, second has 1, third has none, than there are a few more with none, than one with 14 and then back to none, followed by one with five and so on.
So there is a seemingly random up and down and i can´t find any system in it.


Zdravím, nějak mi po instalaci této verze přestalo fungovat navigování. Přesněji řečeno, zvolím cíl, způsob navigace ( rychle, krátká, ....) objeví se ikona /čekání../ a tím to končí, stále jenom : čekání , nedojde k výpočtu trasy. Připojení k internetu a aktivní GPS samozřejmě mám. Před aktualizací na tuto verzi ( 2.13.0 ) to fungovalo normálně.


@christian: so solved? Hmm it's second or maybe third weird error this month that is solved simply by restart .. :/

@eldron: I was discuss here one issue https://getsatisfaction.com/locus/topic ... y_12374315 and on screenshot you may see "favorite" values. Do you see them also in a list?

@sponn: promiň, zítra bude opravný update kde to bude jak se patří opraveno
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no, i don´t see those favorites values in the data screen, only in the information tab of the cache. Any idea why that would be?
I just tried the "refresh cashes" (Caches aktualisieren) but that didn´t help.
Oh and what happened to the outdoor active map? I was hoping that it would be fixed with this update but locus still won´t load the tiles, it just says "doesn´t exist".
I also had some crashes for the first time since i use locus (over one year now), when scrolling around a vector map on low zoom levels (Level 7).
Locus just froze and I had to shut it down via the task manager. i´d send u a crash report but i don´t know where to find it.

Edit: I have downloaded some new caches and they show the favorites value now and the sorting function also works.


Yesterday I was geocaching and tried to add point to the map. When I tried to manually enter the coordinates, I was prompted to enter them in a strange grid. When I clicked on the grid's name a list was shown, but I couldn't scroll the list (the WGS is the first entry and was not visible).
I tried to change the settings from WGS to something else and back, but this didn't help. Finally I flipped my phone while the grid list was displayed and in horizontal position I was able to scroll up the list to the WGS choices.
This was with Pro 2.13.0 and ZTE Blade A2.2.

Sometimes, with the previous Locus version (2.11?) I had similar problems: I couldn't scroll points category list when I was downloading GPX file and wanted to change the target. This (category) problem has not occurred in 2.13.0, but I have used it only twice.


Quote from: "menion"In rest I still would like to invest time to navigation. You're big fan on this topic and it's a shame, not to use you, any many others, on some field testing. In previous and this versions are some improvements in GUI, but there are still some problems in algorithms, so I want to check this. Topic on July ...
I wanted to investigate on an issue regarding strange navigation instructions (at least) in German. But I can't find out how navigation simulation on sofa (i.e. w/o running GPS) works. I don't hear the voice in simulation. Yesterday in reality I could hear it.
Is it expected that the simulation with spoken instructions still works? For both navigation and my favourite topics Notify when switching to another point/Notify when too far away from track ?

As July is your "month of navigation" I'd like to remind you on a topic (and referenced topics there) which gives a lot of ideas how to improve usability of navigation.


Quote from: "eldron"Oh and what happened to the outdoor active map? I was hoping that it would be fixed with this update but locus still won´t load the tiles, it just says "doesn´t exist".
That´s not an issue of Locus.
Please have a look here viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3117
There is a solution viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3117&start=20#p21503
Regards J.


@eldron: ah sorry, forget to mention, that it's needed to refresh a caches :)
@stebu: this seems to be more problem in GUI of your android then Locus itself. At least you known, that rotate a screen helps
@tommi: I think you mean parameter "speed_for_moving_cursor_when_gps_off" in config.cfg ;)
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I have fixed the provider.xml now. I didn´t realise that the outdooractive map came from the maptweak plugin and not from locus itself.
Thanks for pointing out the other threads.


Quote from: "menion"@tommi: I think you mean parameter "speed_for_moving_cursor_when_gps_off" in config.cfg ;)
Ahm, yes, this could help but there is  no move on the map if I set it e.g. to 10.0m/s :?
Sorry, any help how to use it?


Quote from: "tommi"
Quote from: "menion"@tommi: I think you mean parameter "speed_for_moving_cursor_when_gps_off" in config.cfg ;)
Ahm, yes, this could help but there is  no move on the map if I set it e.g. to 10.0m/s :?
Sorry, any help how to use it?


I'm coming, I'm coming ... I was just improving live tracking and merging compass & gps ;)

How to use it ... when you set this parameter to 10 m/s, then if you have turned GPS off!, you may simply move with map center and it should work as if you move by GPS with 36kmph. This is useful mainly for a checking voice orders that needs some speed, so simple moving of map center (when GPS is off) is not enough.
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Quote from: "menion"I'm coming, I'm coming ... I was just improving live tracking and merging compass & gps ;)
Sorry, sorry, I'm too impatient.
Quote from: "menion"How to use it ... when you set this parameter to 10 m/s, then if you have turned GPS off!, you may simply move with map center and it should work as if you move by GPS with 36kmph. This is useful mainly for a checking voice orders that needs some speed, so simple moving of map center (when GPS is off) is not enough.
Simple description. So I' tried to make video from your instructions.
Check it please: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jpk35u9d7b80i ... -15-29.mp4
My expections would be that the map under the center cross would move somehow but it stands still.
Anyway, in which direction should it move?