Smartmaps in Locus - how to download bought map

Started by locuscycling, March 10, 2013, 16:36:52

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I bought a map for Locus ( i hope)  this one : SmartMaps Locator: TM25 - 08 - Giant Mountains, Czech Paradise, Giant Mountains 1:25 000-- version ''Android for Locus''. ( online-downloads)

I wrongly hoped that they ( Smartmaps) give me a link to download this map ( in squlite format) then i will copy this to Locus /maps and over.

But now i dont understand what shoould i do. I received few confirmation emails ( one with code for this map i think) but they wrote all in Czech LANGUAGE.

Maybe i should download this app Smartmaps , then registered , then download maps ( i don't see possibility in this aplication) and then?????

What should i do to have this maps in Locus. ( is it impossible to download this map on pc ?)


  I'll forward your problem to SmartMaps support tomorrow morning. They for my surprise do not work in sunday :). I'll do this because cooperation with Smartmaps maps works in quite simple way

- you install SmartMaps application and buy maps from them
- download them (maps) and install over PC (to SD card) or directly in SmartMaps application
- activate them in SmartMaps application (this mean you put serial key you get into this app and it will activate maps on their server, so you'll be able to use them)
- after all this, you should have working maps in SmartMaps application

- and when these maps will work, then you may finally start Locus and Locus will use these activated maps. So if maps works in SmartMaps, they work in Locus, otherwise not.

Their maps are primary for Czech users, but I expect they have some docs also in English. We'll see what they wrote, because I do not remember exact methods now.
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Thanks  for response. I think i understood.

Right now  i am downloading map which i bought today( 08 Krkonose...).  Few moments ago it was a problem with downloading and sudenly Smartmaps stops .

But i check what is going on in Smartmaps/maps folder and i saw few mpx files (one ca. 190 mb, second -ca 90mb and my Krkonose map only ca 220 mb -should be 550 mb -but ok it was downlading error) I copy this 2 map into Locus/map and  it works , Locus read these maps-that is what i was looking for).

Now waiting till 550 mb will be completed to check if 08 Karkonose  works in Locus.


wait you copied these maps into Locus/maps and it works?? This should not work :) maps should be placed in SmartMaps/maps directory (forever) :) crazy ...

only case it should work so simply is when these two maps are Free, are they?
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Yes they are free .I copied this maps  directly to Locus/map but....

I saw in Locus /maps new folders like SMARTMAPS ...
I think they were created automatically.

( I forgot one thing. When staring Locus , program is checking maps and Locus gave one ERROR on my 08 Krkonose- most probobly becouse downloading error)

In few hours ( when downloading will be completed i hope ) i should know more.


Finnaly map works Ok in Locus.

I bough this map generally becouse wanted to have ,, winter pole'' on the maps. It looks like ,,xxxxx''

I arlready have few not bad maps like this one from ,,cycloatlas'' or polish topo maps but they are not actually and without this ,, winter pols''.

But the strange thing is that i bought just One Single Map but gets ,, Sets of maps''

I didn't hope to see new ,,Single Tracks'' near Nove Mesto Pod Smrkiem and Swieradow Zdroj but  i have this  ,, overlay'' in my Map set-very good.

Another funny thing: see black dots on image this is ,, Single Track''  but when i extend ZOOM with (+) this Single Track desapire and i can see like this

It looks like Program changed from One Map to another .
Maybe it is possible to merge all this Maps ( overlays) into ,, single One'' ?.


so maps works, perfect

about your funny things :) SmartMaps maps works in better way then other maps in Locus. All maps are merged automatically together and are used as one big map. You see all map files (real files) in list of maps, but in the end, they work as one. List allow you to check which maps are available and quickly move or zoom to any of this map.

and maps you see in list ... some of them are free to download, some you have probably as an bonus :)
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Quote from: "menion"All maps are merged automatically together and are used as one big map. You see all map files (real files) in list of maps, but in the end, they work as one.

Yes map set works perfect.
But becouse Locus works also perfect with maps sized ca. 1gb and more  i had little hope  to merge this 08 Krkonose with another maps which cover also larger part of Polish site.
Of course i don't know a Tool to do it( if possible)  but i remember it was possible to do something like that with Ozi maps in MapMerge.

Quote from: "menion"and maps you see in list ... some of them are free to download, some you have probably as an bonus :)

I don't  know it was a bonus. ( maybe this Single Track map)

On site // we can read that it is 550 MB map and when i calculated all maps size  in my Set it is nearly 550 MB.( I thought 190mb for 08Krkonose was a downloading error but now i see the same size)