[APP] - version 0.9.22 and more

Started by Menion, February 23, 2011, 09:30:15

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25.2.2011 - Locus
This is exactly same version as on market with one change. Enabled My Maps (add them to right panel to use). After hour of thinking I decided, that is almost unrealisable to create My Maps as addon to Locus. I also want to add support to google fusion tables and more and this will be still problem, if all will be only as addon. Contact are only one screen called from one place but this need to be integrated in whole application and this is problem. So, all this will be as regular part of application. If any negative comments, you have to help me say them truth (truth that I really need all your contacts and account information ;) )
  • My Maps enabled

PS: Huge maps testing remain ... more in topic about Huge maps here viewtopic.php?f=21&t=139
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so that looks, that support for huge maps directly in Mobac will not be ... I discussed this here today. So it's up on us :)
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so if I understand well - it is possible to create e.g. each zoom separately or to create few maps (e.g. west CZ, mid CZ, east CZ, west SK, east SK) each not bigger than 2GB and to put all of them into one directory and it will work as one map? If yes I guess it is excelent solution!!!

The only question whether it will not be a problem with doubeling of some tiles. E.g. when rectangles of each particular map are little bit overlaped..

Thanks a lot!


Exactly, that should work ...

system is very easy. All sqlitedb maps in one directory work as one map. When you display map, I test if first map containt images, if so load them, if not, try another map. In next step I first use lastly used map so speed should be always good enough because of using last map file. When you have some double tiles in files, that should be problem. Problem should be if you don't have tiles on some place. I have to then test all files and that should slow down map display a little but I have not yet tested to be true :)
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Only to be sure - is it the problem when some tiles are doubeled or not?

One more question are there any differences between Big Planet Tracks SQLite and RMaps SQLite export formatx in Mobile Atlas Creator? I know that both are possible but what should be better? Or realy no differences?

Now I am going to test huge maps, so I will come back with the result:)



To be true, I did not tested this too much so there should be problems, of course. I don't need so big map so I'll let testing on you, users :). But doubled tiles should not be problem, Locus just takes first needed tile it find. If there is any other same tile, it really doesn't matter.

About formats ... i don't know difference, wait for a while, I'll check this ...

hmmm interesting, both are exactly same, am I doing something wrong? If not, both are same, both are valid for Locus.
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Quote from: "menion"so now is question, how to create perfect huge maps? When you create it in Locus, there is no possibility to set exact border or rectangle for splitting to multiple part. So question is whether do in Locus tool, to select rectangle exactly by for example coordinates, or leave it be and create tool only for desktop that will split map downloaded by Mobac? What you think? Second solution seems better for me, best should be if anyone wrote this tool for desktop, anyway I can do it by myself ... :)

I think, it´s not a problem of sqlite, because Android seems not handle files >2GB at all.
http://osdir.com/ml/Android-Developers/ ... 03235.html
http://www.mail-archive.com/android-por ... 09800.html
http://androidforums.com/droid-x-suppor ... ost1569222

so the only way seems to be split files to <2GB. But if there are two files, will the second be looaded from locus as it is needed (while changing to the next area)?

Regard Jürgen
Regards J.


Jurgen, did you read what I wrote before and in first post? I do not say that this is problem of SQLite. And yes, maps have to be separated into smaller then 2GB files. And about map loading ... they will be loaded as needed! Just copy all maps you want to work as one map, into one directory in Locus/maps directory.
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Oh, my fault, sorry for wasting your time :oops:
Regards Jürgen
Regards J.


Don't worry, it's OK :)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Bug in 0.9.22
- Double sized resolution description has misspelling "Display may with scaled resolution"

And I dunno if I misunderstand this setting.
Is it suppose to make Locus display the map at higher resolution or lower resolution?
What I have on my Galaxy Tab is when I checked this option the map will display blurry (like it display zoom level 20 with zoom level 19 map.)

- Show coordinates text at the top or bottom of the screen (may be option to do so, or a sidebar toggle).
[Display it next to the cursor is very good to find the coordinate but in a way it takes space on the map]

Is guiding arrows suppose to be still or moving?
When if leave the map still the arrows are still but when I move the map around(dragging it), the arrows will move(animate) toward the destination.


- text fixed, thanks ...

- hmm, when you set "double sized", maps Locus just pre-raster map and display them as you wrote - twice as big. It's useful on small display with high resolutions where map is really tiny a most text are hard to read

- coordinates
It's a problem. I personally do not feel that any texts like coordinates or text labels below points, are graphically nice compare to rest of application. So this is just some helping work for few of you, who wanted to display coordinates. I don't think it's useful in basic usage. Also I have still no idea how to display any additional information as overlay on map (like these coordinates or some stats during track record for example)

- and arrow. You're first who noticed and write me about this :). Guiding arrow is still when you do not move with map. With every map refresh, arrow move for a few pixels. It have simple reason. When I create behavior that arrow will be still moving, I'll have to refresh whole map screen every, time which consume battery for almost nothing. When you have GPS enabled, then map is refreshed every second and moving arrow looks nice at least for me. Hmm? ...
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About the arrows, it is understandable, I think that way about the map refresh too ^^

For the "double sized", may be add more description like "Display map with upscaled resolution, suitable for small screen with high resolution." (or something you see fit)
I personally think it would be easier for user to understand what this setting do.

For that coordinate, may be put it to a gray transparent box (like top,bottom,side bar) and make it display under top bar or above bottom bar (like the track recording menu).
I think this way will keep overall Locus look and feel and provide coordinate display for users who need it ^^

And yeah~~ I play with Locus quite extensively, I'm not using all the function though, mostly just playing with the program lol.
It is the best map application I've seen so far, the developer is very quick to respond and rapid improvement make a very bright future for this application.
So.. I want to contribute too, when I found something or have any idea I'll just post them here ^^


Hi there,

I have a problem with importing POI (KLM or GPX) once it was ok, but next tries the import stops in the middle of the import process.

I do not know whether it is because of this new version .22 as I did not tried in the prvious one.

I have tried those addached files and it stops in 219 poi in case of klm and in 3404 poi in case of gps.

Those files comes from poi.cz (ov2 format) and converted to klm and gpx here: http://www.poieditor.com/poi_convert/ov2-to-kml/ and http://www.poieditor.com/poi_convert/ov2-to-gpx/

