Started by balloni55, August 30, 2012, 19:17:01

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first of all i have to say thanks to menion for his perfect support and the other guys in the forum for presenting their Custom Screens!

The slim information in the mapscreen i cannot read while walking or cycleing to the next target, so i build my first CS for geocaching.

If you want to test the CS, copy the GC.zip to
Start Locus select Menue/Funktion/and the Button1,2,3,4 and select GC.
Have fun ;-)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Nice! Thanks for the effort.

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2


Recently I made a little bicycle tour with my wife and I proudly presented here your beautiful dashboard for cycling.
After a short look she said: "It looks nice but where can I see how many km we've already made?".
I think she is right, the distance is one of the most important parameters, isn't it?
Maybe you like to add this value to your beautiful dashboard.
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Hi Suman,
by the way, this skin is built as "custom screen", the newer posibility to built personal skins is to use "dashboard" with multible parameter for display ;)
ok, back to your Question,
the custom screens i have built are for balloning and geocaching and not special for hiking
The GC-screen i use while geocaching, to display the distance and direction to a selected target, not to track the distance.

I think //http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/shop:items:custom_screen_balloni_ballon is the better skin for your usage.
It display more infos and your whish to display the traveled distance is posible after you start trackrecording on bottom of the screen.
Try it and have fun :D
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: "suman"Recently I made a little bicycle tour with my wife and I proudly presented here your beautiful dashboard for cycling.
After a short look she said: "It looks nice but where can I see how many km we've already made?".
I think she is right, the distance is one of the most important parameters, isn't it?
Maybe you like to add this value to your beautiful dashboard.
I think I remember a post with literally these words: viewtopic.php?f=41&t=2855&p=19460 :D