Anouncement: Vector cycle-maps now available

Started by kech61, May 27, 2012, 11:17:12

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Hi Christian,

finally got around to make a donation with PayPal :)
thanks for your great work with these maps!


Quote from: "wvb"finally got around to make a donation with PayPal :)
thanks for your great work with these maps!

Thanks a lot for your donation and to anyone who keeps this projekt alive !

best regards
Best regards/ Grüsse


Quote from: "tommi62"Thank you, and of course it's in the Northeast of Gran Canaria


I checked this issue in brief.

- All land_polygons are closed (definitly start/end nodes of each pline are the same ref)
- no polyline exeeds the limits (nodes/polyline)
- no JTS-Errors while making the file
- no relations in land-polygones
- a map made with the borders of the test-area shows the same issue.
- both the merged osm file and the land.osm contains 8 land_polygons

The Problem:
- The map file includes only 7 land-polygons, so one is missing, there were no errors while making the map,
the polygon has 380 nodes (so that could not couse a problem).

So, unfortunately I can't solve this issue now, it needs further investigation - sorry.

Edit: You can follow the discussion at mapsforge_dev //!topic/mapsforge-dev/KVA5YcaRRMg
Best regards/ Grüsse


Quote from: "kech61"I checked this issue in brief.

The Problem:
- The map file includes only 7 land-polygons, so one is missing, there were no errors while making the map,
the polygon has 380 nodes (so that could not couse a problem).

So, unfortunately I can't solve this issue now, it needs further investigation - sorry.
Christian, thank you for all your effort.
I still hope for a solution but to be on the safe side I'll tell my wife, she should have a look on offers for rubber boots  :lol:
Enjoy your holidays!



The issue is solved, at least for this map, its a problem with rounding in Mapsforge/JTS that
produces self-intersecting land_polygons out of absolut correct geometrys.
The problem with the zero-contourline rendered into sea is solved too.
Best regards/ Grüsse


I followed your discussion in mapsforge-dev.
Thanks for all your work!


kech61 has updated his maps at
News on
For me the most important improvement are the removed zero lines.
Chris , thank you for your effort.

Click on the picture for better view.
Regards J.


Thanks for the update!
Seems Benelux maps are the only ones not updated :-)

Sent from my SGSII CM10 with Tapatalk 2


But I think so, because the Netherlands sea is blue now. In the older map it was white. I didn´t  load and test Belgium. So I can´t say and I don´t know if changes for Luxemburg are necessary, because there is no coast and no zero lines.
Regards J.


Belgium map is still without blue sea.

Hi Chris/kech,
will there be an update for Belgium as well?

*edit*: sorry for the noise: if I use the cycle_hc theme there is water! No need for updated Belgium map.


Quote from: "tommi62"*edit*: sorry for the noise: if I use the cycle_hc theme there is water! No need for updated Belgium map.

Hi Tommy,

No Problem, the water tiles should be visible too with all the lates kinds of the voilatile* themes.

best regards
Best regards/ Grüsse


may you please have a look to the Italy map? There is a coast line problem in the north of Sardegna.
You can find it close to Porto Pozzo.
Regards J.


Quote from: "jusc"..
sorry for off topic
This was your masterpiece  :mrgreen:


Quote from: "jusc"Chris,
may you please have a look to the Italy map? There is a coast line problem in the north of Sardegna.
You can find it close to Porto Pozzo.

Hello Jusc,

Yes I know, this is probably a problem with a coastline which is tagged with nodes sitting on each other too close.
OR someone have sunk this polygon by wrong tagging like the Northcape Island.

Anyway, usualy I solve these problems (there are numerous) by merging a handmade korr.osm on top of the dataset.

EDIT: Found it, 3 wrong nodes causing a self-intersecting poly - I edited this at OSM, should be OK with the next
update of the land_polygons.
I hope I have cought all erratic nodes...
Best regards/ Grüsse


Quote from: "jusc"Chris,
may you please have a look to the Italy map? There is a coast line problem in the north of Sardegna.
You can find it close to Porto Pozzo.

Hi Jusc,

The repaired map of Italy is online  8-)
Best regards/ Grüsse