[SKIN] My Tracks (for track record)

Started by Menion, April 02, 2012, 16:11:40

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description: Simple but useful Skin for track record. Skin use new functionality that allow calling some functions from Locus (so first attempt for "Active skin"). Main purpose, except fact that skin may be useful for someone, is to show what is possible to do and to help start with skin creating and improving. Anyway feedback that lead to more polish and nice view is welcome!

skin version from: 29. 3. 2012

required Locus version:  2.2.0

good example for: active skin, global defining of colors and styles, using Table in layout

overview: [attachment=0:2xwoqlpp]device-2012-04-02-160952.png[/attachment:2xwoqlpp]
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Hi menion,
where can i download the ZIP-File of  "My Tracks"?
I found it neither here, nor in the Shop ??
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


it's sure in shop - just go to first tab and category "Themes - Custom screen"
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Sorry, i canĀ“t find it, please give me the Link
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


there's no link to download. You have to see it in Locus Shop if you have Locus version 2.2.0 and above. If you have some older version, then this skin will not works for you.

What you see in Shop in first tab? Do you see there some other skins? Some themes for vector maps, icons, etc?
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