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Export rte gpx

Started by Maarek, November 14, 2011, 19:28:50

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It is very convinient for me to plan a trip in Locus and then export it to my Garmin device, which works better on mountain bike handlebar than SGSII.

I can easily connect SGSII to Garmin, export to gpx from Locus and copy files to garmin. It works very well. The gpx produced by Locus are imported into garmin as tracks. I just wish, I could export tracks from Locus as routes (rte/rtpt). Routes are better for navigation in garmin.

Great App!


hmm, is in it really big difference in both types on garmin? I'm thinking how to achieve this ... hmm
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In general tracks on garmin are used for recording and routes are used for navigation.
With routes on garmin you can use onroad routing and see profile from map dem data. You can also edit routes and cannot edit tracks.
When you navigate with tracks, garmin assumes that you would follow track exactly and when you don't it will not calculate remaining distance correctly.

If you can use online routing and elevation in Locus the difference between tracks and routes is not big, but if you cannot it is considerable.



oki, good reason and problem description. I'll add this to settings ...

EDIT: half an hour work, done ;)
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Edit: I have just updated Locus, tested rte export with my garmin dacota and it works perfect!


fine, topic closed
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