[APP] - version 3.24.+ ( 31. 5. 2017 )

Started by Menion, May 31, 2017, 14:48:21

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Quote from: menion on July 01, 2017, 11:06:25
Good day John,
what exactly is "not properly"? Do you see after change of theme black areas or some "loading..." empty map and simple zoom in/out fix it? if yes, then Petr discovered this problem a day or two before and should be fixed in next version. If this is something different, screenshot should be useful here. Thanks!
Yes, black areas on theme switching, I am also experiencing them since... 2 months at least... Zooming in/out fixes it.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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never bevore i saw this "Hardware Buttons" setting inside config.cfg
is there any description

Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on July 04, 2017, 16:13:35
never bevore i saw this "Hardware Buttons" setting inside config.cfg
is there any description

Hey, I asked for this feature in helpdesk and Menion was so kind to implement it. See there:


Maybe documentation for this is still missing from the manual...


@ zossebart
thanks for your answer an link, now i got it ;)
it´s a nice feature for security while MTB  8)
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Right now I've got new beta ( and found small bug on new route editor: I have five points 1-2-3-4-5, when I've deleted point 2, the current point jumps to point 4, rather than to 3. New route editor far more comfortable, than previous - it needs less clicks and has more cute interface.
I have feature request for route editing - support Undo, please


Hi menion
thanks for new feature "function panel" :)
each preset with its own functions 8)

if i modify "function panel" in a active preset > add/delete a function, i have to "recall" this preset to see the modification
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@alezy: thanks, I'll look at it.
And "undo" if will be hard task for me, but I absolutely agree it will be more then useful!

@balloni55: seems there is still a problem with understanding "presets" :). There really is not anything like "active preset". It is just a bunch of settings that, after click, is set. Imagine it like "backup of settings", that you simply restore by one click, nothing more!
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 let´s try it in your wording,

attached screencast start with restored backup of my  "Geocache" preset
sec 7 - i restore my "Basic Setting" preset
sec 18 - i edit function panel  of "Basic Setting"
sec - 27 i add function "Weather"
sec 30 - "Weather" is added to list
sec 34 - back to map view, "Weather" isn´t visible :-[
sec 42 - back to presets an restore "Basic Setting"  once again
sec 44 - back to map view, "Weather" is visible :)
sec 58 - i remove "Weather"
sec 62 - back to map view, "Weather" is furthermore visible :-[
sec 69 - back to presets an restore "Basic Setting"  once again "Weather" is´nt visible

Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

@menion can you provide little more info than release notes "improvement in track editor and route planner" please? Awesome new feature multiple function panels.

The old route planner buttons are now shown briefly when route planner mode is entered and exited.

Bug- if I edit via point name then save or cancel, the magnifying glass icon is left on screen and if I now tap anywhere else I loose my route segment because Locus incorrectly things I am moving the via point. Was bug in previous version too. Now via point name is saved, but I still have issue seeing difference between via and non via point as already discussed.

When you tap a point, at present the via name can be immediately renamed. I suggest it would be far more flexible to display a context menu: toggle via, delete point, move point, add point (from users points?), etc. Without an undo, at present its too easy to make a major mistake.
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: balloni55 on July 06, 2017, 11:55:50
let´s try it in your wording,

attached screencast start with restored backup of my  "Geocache" preset
sec 7 - i restore my "Basic Setting" preset
sec 18 - i edit function panel  of "Basic Setting"
sec - 27 i add function "Weather"
sec 30 - "Weather" is added to list
sec 34 - back to map view, "Weather" isn´t visible :-[
sec 42 - back to presets an restore "Basic Setting"  once again
sec 44 - back to map view, "Weather" is visible :)
sec 58 - i remove "Weather"
sec 62 - back to map view, "Weather" is furthermore visible :-[
sec 69 - back to presets an restore "Basic Setting"  once again "Weather" is´nt visible


please read menions post carefully again:

Quote from: menion on July 05, 2017, 20:51:35
@balloni55: seems there is still a problem with understanding "presets" :). There really is not anything like "active preset". It is just a bunch of settings that, after click, is set. Imagine it like "backup of settings", that you simply restore by one click, nothing more!

Your observed behaviour is exactly as it is intended. There is no "active preset"!!! This also means, that the changed settings of the preset are not applied until you "run" or "tap" the preset.

Another try for explanation: try to think of a preset as a list of instructions (like a batch file or a computer program) for settings which can be "processed" by tapping on the preset. If you change something in this list, it is not automatically applied but only when you process this list (in Locus: by tapping the preset). Similar to when you change some lines in a batch file and save it, it is not executed automatically.


@zossebart: thanks for a precise explanation. I wasn't sure how better describe it. Hope it is now clear balloni?

@Andrew Heard: news are mainly in graphics and little bit in background performance. I was also working on new "instroduction" 3page screen (visible in track editor).

Old route planner is still there and will be working till we decide that new system is good enough. Because of this, old panels are displayed when editing function starts, anyway it is not a problem.

Thanks for a description of a "bug", I'll check it.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on July 07, 2017, 21:42:29

@Andrew Heard: news are mainly in graphics and little bit in background performance. I was also working on new "instroduction" 3page screen
needs English translation thanks
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


New Beta version with two nice features :).

- Online GraphHopper Directions: OMG, they are so fast and took really really low bandwidth, nice.
- Undo/redo for track editor and mainly route planner! Seems to work nice

Have a nice Sunday!
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

The function panel buttons are still being lost in latest but I can now add an external app and no longer crash. I can edit a preset, "Set current content", in my case 10 buttons in right panel. I can apply the preset, and works. I can confirm the number of preset function panel buttons, still OK, 10. BUT then after I apply a different preset having 0 or 1 RHS buttons then apply original preset all the 10 RHS buttons are lost - count in preset is 0.

Undo/ redo - wow. In route planner if full undo were provided then is Minus (point) button needed anymore? Full undo is more intuitive and consistent. If I drag a via point it is not possible to undo move at present. With BRouter I also noticed a few times the compute never finished, circle animation never finished. As per my previous comment, more ways to move a via point (GPS, select on map, screen center, points etc) rather than error prone and limited drag with magnifying glass would be great improvement.

Now Track editor: when I use Edit on map (beta), my current zoom is lost, the whole track is displayed, which I don't like much. Use case: I have already zoomed into place to edit, tap track, edit on map, now the position and zoom is lost, and as previously reported, the tapped point of the track is also lost (compared to Pro).
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Latest Beta: address display does no longer work. Latest Pro is doing right.

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