[Q] Displaying POIs belonging to a track

Started by Christian, June 14, 2014, 20:04:31

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Hi guys,
When i import a track including waypoints the waypoints will imported to POI also.
If i activate and display the track the waypoints belonging originally to the imported file are not displayed. I have to sort the POI and activate it manually.
Have i missed the function in Locus or does this function not exist?
Did i read something similar in this forum some weeks ago?
Thanx for answer,


Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thank you for the links.
I copy and paste menion's answer because i would like to discuss and help to solve the problem. I am really interested to use this feature.
Quote from: menionI'm testing this issue and seems there is an interesting problem. It's not because of any change in Locus, such issue exists in Locus for a long time. Problem is, that before import, Locus do really simple and fast counting of points/tracks in file. In case of your second file, it search for tracks by counting of '<linestring' text. And in your file is one track separated on two linestrings. That's all. Because Locus think, there are two tracks, you do not see "Merge option". But how to solve it? Hard to say . Precise counting is quite complicated here if "Analyzing" part before import should be fast.
I am not sure that i understand the problem well. If there are two tracks <trk> inside of one file, Locus does not know what to do with the waypoints?
Is this the challenge?


I don't call this exactly "Locus does not know what to do with the waypoints"

Problem is, that if Locus during analyze find, that in file is more then one track, it do not offer ability to merge points directly into track. Problem balloni mention, is that Locus incorrectly find number of tracks in file where track is created from more segments.
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Everybody should be responsible for the clearness of his track even for the downloaded ones. So if there more tracksegments inside a file the waypoints should be merged with all tracks (i am not satisfied with separating tracksegments in Locus)

I played around with "merge with track".
: It does not work with zip-files :(
: It does not work with more than one tracksegments within an import file
: If waypoints are merged i would expect that these waypoints will appear in POI screen = important! (advantage of database = relations of all objects).
: A good feature would be: select a POI and choose "show depended track"

Would be nice to enhance this function.
What does think the community?


Quote: A good feature would be: select a POI and choose "show depended track"
Quote: It does not work with more than one tracksegments within an import file
i tried it this morning oncemore,
I´v recorded a track, took a photo, paused the track and continued it.
Only possible solution to merge track and poi while importing is, to export track/POI as .gpx
Screenshot of imported, paused track/POI

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Two years ago a track was sent to me. It has 5,7 MB (!) and within were a lot of tracks not belonging together. So instead of merging i had to separate them manually. Was a lot of work to get rid of the poor Garmin style.
Since then i know:
Keep your files clean!

So i suppose that Locus can provide good tools for people who know what to achive. The "how to do" should be written in the docu / wiki.


One more thing regarding displaying points.
I never saw waypoints in the diagram. But this was my wish all the time.
Yesterday when playing around with "merge with track" it became true ;)

But its only one (1) Poi out of a lot (merged with the track). Where are the other ones?
How to manage this?


QuoteI never saw waypoints in the diagram. But this was my wish all the time.

But its only one (1) Poi out of a lot
This morning with new beta it works for me with track and merged tracks

QuoteI´v recorded a track, took a photo, paused the track and continued it.
Only possible solution to merge track and poi while importing is, to export track/POI as .gpx
a small change in the .kml and it work also while import as merged.kml or .kmz
I unzip the exported .kmz, delete small part (pause) stored it and zip it again to .kmz :)
So i do not understand why it is unpossible to do that in locus  :(

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on June 16, 2014, 09:21:11
QuoteI never saw waypoints in the diagram. But this was my wish all the time.

But its only one (1) Poi out of a lot
This morning with new beta it works for me with track and merged tracks

Is this new in this beta? Why does it work partially  in  last regular version?
I miss the names of the waypoint.
Anyway... @menion: are you working on this feature???


hmm no, I don't know on what should I work.

Merged waypoints are permanently attached to tracks. They currently cannot be accesed from some folder, just from a track on map.

And merging points to track during import ... I don't think it's a good idea. In most cases, tracks has weird names, not all waypoints should belong to single track etc. etc. I'll think about it more after I return from small trip next week

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I wanted to know if you are working on displaying POIs on altitude diagram because balloni wrote it appeared in beta version (the first time ?).
If you interested in enhancing features see my list above as encouragement.
Enjoy your trip :)


Ah this...  Also no :)  Poi labels should work correctly also in current public version.  Are you sure you zoomed to whole chart so you may see all points? Just a stupid question but never knows... Also are points you expect on chart really attached to the track?

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Zoomed out completely. see screenshot.
POIs merged to track (not available in POI screen)
Little bit strange because only one POI is shown.
Would be nice to use this feature completely.