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Messages - poutnikl

Quote from: poutnikl on September 28, 2019, 13:25:42
Another candidate is the Waymark v2a theme.

In another post I provided an example of using a script to semi-automatically convert outdoor and Waymark v2a locus map v3 map themes into v4 map themes for locus map. Here is a link to the post:

I hope ManfredG doesn't mind me using his Waymark-v2a theme as a guinea-pig. It might not work perfectly in v4 maps and certainly hasn't been checked rigorously. But it would probably make a good starting for point for creating a v4 map version of the Waymark-v2a theme... But note, it is a very large theme consisting of over 8700 lines!   
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Attached is the Waymark-V2a theme in two forms:
   - Waymark-V4.xml is converted using the attached version of the v3_to_v4_Waymark.vbs script.
   - Waymark-V4a.xml is after some manual tweaks, read on...

the V4 of the theme is straight out of the script from V2a, with just one customisation to correct a syntax error:

      line = replace_text(line, "case="+Chr(34), "cat="+Chr(34) )

In the screenshots you can see that V4 has a rendering problem with service|raceway roads. I fixed this manually in V4a.

The script pseudo-converts the v3 extensions for rectangle captions using a thick outlined caption, as these are not supported in v4 mapsforge rendering engine.

The other thing you'll notice is when you switch to a v4 map the zoom level is out by 1, and you can see that some items that render at Z16, do not render at Z15, hence screenshot 4 shows them appearing as you zoom in to Z16.

Note that I have not checked if everything else in the theme works or not. But it probably is a good starting point now for getting a v4 map version of the Waymark-V2a theme working, if required.
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Having used UK Ordnance Survey (OS) maps all my life, when I started using Locus Map I was desperate for a map theme that looked similar. After using both Voluntary UK and OS Style themes for a while, I still hankered after something closer to the style of the original UK OS maps. So I decided to create my own theme that tries to emulate the Ordnance Survey 1:25k and 1:50k map styles as closely as is possible within the constraints of Locus Map and data provided by the vector maps. It should work with both LoMap and OAM maps. I must give credit to John Campbell for his Voluntary UK theme that I used as a starting point (v. 190101).

There are 6 maps styles provided in the theme:

  • Explorer 1:25k
  • Landranger 1:50k
  • Dynamic Scale
  • Night Mode 1:25k
  • Night Mode 1:50k
  • Night Mode Dynamic
Dynamic Scale automatically switches from 50k to 25k at zoom level 16.
Night Modes provide a darker colour scheme for night usage that preserve the OS colour, but muted a bit. I don't like the built in night mode as it inverts all the colours.

There are also several overlay options:

  • non-OS  symbols
  • non-OS road furniture
  • demanding paths
  • hiking routes, national
  • hiking routes, local
  • emphasise hiking routes
  • cycling routes, national
  • cycling routes, local
  • emphasise cycle routes
  • fill in residential areas
  • grow 50k buildings into town masses
  • emphasise land access
  • OS style road labels
  • level road labels
  • boxed road labels
I used google translate to define the translations, so let me know if there are more appropriate translations.

I also created PDF legends for the 25k and 50k themes to show what is supported/different using a similar style to the original OS legends with screenshots from Locus Map and the theme's own symbols etc.

Last attachment is a ZIP of the theme. (now with .nomedia files, thanks Henk van der Spek for pointing that out).

Install in the usual way of unzipping in Locus Map's _theme folder, e.g.:


I've only tried this on my phone (Samsung Galaxy A3) and tablet (Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014). It is quite a big theme file now (~10,000 lines)  because it contains so many different categories and overlay options. I am interested to know if it works OK for everyone. I have considered creating a "lite" 25k only option to see it is works faster or not...

I am putting this theme out there as I feel it might be of interest to others. It is provided as is.
I am not inclined to spend a lot of time working on it, but you are welcome to modify it for your own purposes.

Let me know if there some major problems with the theme.

Here is a comparison of the same map rendered with: Internal Theme, Voluntary UK, OS Style and my new 4 OS map styles (also attached as ThemePreviews_LORES.jpg but lower resolution):


UPDATE 2020.04.27
I have fixed:
   - couple of  mistakes in the legends
   - added to the legends some additional overlay footer notes.
   - country borders to include admin_levels 2, 3 and 4 now.
   - rounded locks in rivers now square
   - some syntax errors I found during porting to v4 (which is now about 50% completed).

I've updated the attachments with new versions, hence their counters are reset.
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I do not understand why this option is the top voted "Long click on "Route type": toggle between "manual" and "selected" routing".
"Toggle" function is a shortcut to change the profile to manual and back, it does not to draw directly a manual point.
With the direct manual point (on the + or on the profile icon, does't matter) if you need to concatenate more points you have two options:
1) with few points, use the long touch for each point
2) with a lot of points just toggle to the manual mode as always

With one point, no contest, just one long touch

I think I do not understand because someone else has different needs than me, but I'm curious.
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Experts and novices alike will always suffer from changes, yet changes are key to improvements and progress.
Hence - AGAIN - my advise to spend energy into a 21st century help and function (*) search capability. Android settings in many new devices deliver that: you type a word about what you want to do and get a number of matching functions/settings at your fingertip.
That does not address the ongoing UI discussion, I know. But the overwhelming (yet USEFUL!!!) settings have been a reported pain since years.
(*) each function and setting needs to have a number of keywords and synonyms associated. In the selected language and always plus English.
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Libor, thanks for the investigation. You are correct, I've found one parameter that has an influence on this and that caused, that tracks above around 100km were not correctly refreshed after the calculation is done. Thanks for the big help in discovering reason for this and sorry for extra work.
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To the Locus and OpenAndroMaps community,

after many try-and-error runs I was able to adapt my "outdoor" theme and create the new "outdoorV4" theme, which can be used with the new multi-language mapsforge V4 OpenAndroMaps. It is compatible only with these new maps!
In general, I have tried to make the theme identical to the existing "outdoor" theme. Due to problems with many tags used for the configuration of font sizes and priorities, many small changes had to be made. You will find more details (i. e. which tags had to be ommitted) an my website [in German].
Please take the theme as a draft. I am happy for any comments, suggestions and there will be constant improvements. Maybe, I will adapt in the future also my existing "desert" theme.

Download the newest version on

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Themes - Vector maps / [Theme] TOTM (V3)
January 29, 2018, 16:09:50
Tiramisù as OpenTopoMap

No routes, only topography, better larger zoom.

for V3 maps

On the OAM maps, there are intermittent streams, embankment, ridges, cutlines, etc....

It is recommended to use with the "Hill shading" map is ON - that the similarity is maximized.

There was no purpose to do an exact copy, but to use the best features.

OpenTopoMap ->

Update: ver1.8 (15/02/2018)
- again redrawn the forest, with transparency. Now it is correctly mixed with other fills and objects.
- added or changed: mountain_pass | saddle, natural = stone, tower: communication, volcano, turning_circle, man_made = adit | adit_disused, wells water_well, waterfall, summit: *, fixed reservoir | basin, redrawed bare_rock, completed the color of main roads
- the mapping of the mountainous terrain has been reworked,
- added a layer of "Winter routes", the display - slightly adjusted copy-paste from the built-in theme "Skiing"
adjusted visibility on different zoom levels amenity|waterway / natural = drinking_water|water_point|spring|fountain

Update: ver1.9.2 (15/01/2019)
landuse kindergarten, school...
contour path text rotate_up=false (always uphill")
selection of landuse hospital, residential, adjustment of overlays
slightly thicker contour lines
removed signatures on fence | wall | city_wall
added water sources zoom-min= " 13"
added barrier=turnstile (OAM), name=neighbourhood|quarter
and other things...
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updated version UniGCcz_opt_HD_20171008 (for HD Device, like Xiaomi RM4N), comments are welcome

See First post
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V9, 27.01.2017,
Only the "ref" s of the road are shown on country roads and federal roads, and there is no longer a cycle path / hiking trail, road numbers in Bold, motorway numbers, but national borders are now displayed more clearly, landscape features now switch off cliffs, attraction Has been given its own color, so that there is a distinction to pedestrian (pedestrian zone), platform (platform) is now displayed correctly, lift_gate (barriers) are now displayed, starting with zoom 17, New symbol peak_cross is displayed at the summit with cross, new symbol cross is displayed at cross, craters are now displayed, as of Zoom 12 (only with OpenAndroMaps), glacier column is now displayed, as of Zoom 14 (OpenAndroMaps only) The label is no longer rotated (requires locus map as of version 3.21.1), the details are in the Read_me.txt.

The download link is in the Home Post to find.
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@gynta: Arndt ist wirklich nicht der richtige Ansprechpartner für diese Frage!

Der "iswet"-Parameter ist einfach nur eine Variable in den Profilen von Poutnik. Brouter selbst kennt diese Variable nicht (es ist kein eingebautes Schlüsselwort wie zum Beispiel "costfactor", "uphollcostfactor" oder "initialcostfactor"). Die Variable steuert in Poutnik's Profilen einfach nur die Gewichtung verschiedener Wegtypen. Je nach Gewichtung kommt dann ein anderer costfactor heraus. Brouter sucht dann einfach die Route mit dem geringsten costfactor (ein bisschen vereinfacht ausgedrückt).

Ich finde es eine gute Idee, diesen Parameter über das Userinterface von Locus umschaltbar zu machen. Ich selbst habe so einen (ähnlichen) Parameter in meinem eigenen MTB-Profil auch eingebaut, muß aber im Moment auch noch zwei unterschiedliche Profile daraus erstellen (einmal mit gesetztem "iswet"-flag und einmal ohne). Aufgrund der 5 zur Verfügung stehenden Profilzuordnungen in Locus habe ich die iswet-Variante aber nie verwendet, da ich alle Slots mit anderen Profilen belegt habe. Mit dem neuen Interface wäre das schnell umschaltbar und mit nur einem Profil realisierbar.
Die Erklärung zu einzelnen Parametern wie "iswet" muss aber jeder Profil-Ersteller selbst geben, da es sich nicht um einen allgemeinen Brouter-Parameter handelt. Aus diesem Grund ist Poutnik's WIKI der einzig richtige Ort, um sich über die Bedeutung des Flags in seinen Profilen zu informieren. Ich finde seine WIKI-Dokumentation zu dem Flag meiner Meinung nach mehr als ausreichend (mehr als nötig sein sollte). Er hat sich da wirklich viel Mühe gegeben! Im Allgemeinen hat er viel Arbeit in diese Profil-Templates gesteckt. Er ist vermutlich der einzige, der für mehrere Fortbewegungsarten so ausgefeilte und parametrisierbare Profile erarbeitet hat. Deshalb hat Menion sicher auch seine Profile für den Einbau in Locus ausgewählt (zu Recht wie ich finde).

Für mein eigenes MTB-Profil würde ich den iswet-Parameter wie folgt erklären (ähnlich zu Poutnik's Variante):
Der Sinn in meinem Fall ist einfach, dass ich als Mountainbiker Straßen, welche durch KFZ befahren werden, meide (man könnte sogar fast sagen, ich habe eine starke
Abneigung gegen laute, stinkende Fahrzeuge). Mein "normales" MTB-Profil bevorzugt deshalb vor allem Wald/Feldwege bergauf und schmale Pfade bergab.
Wenn ich aber kurz nach einem (starken) Regen eine Runde fahren will, sind mir einige dieser Pfade zu gefährlich (auch ein noch so grobstolliger Reifen kommt irgendwann an seine Grenzen). Mit dem iswet-Parameter kann ich die Routenberechnung eher weg von potenziell schlüpfrigen/glatten/klebrigen Wegen (zum Beispiel mit Oberfläche Gras oder Erde) mehr in Richtung gut ausgebauter Wald/Feldwege verschieben. Ich werde dann immer noch eher über Felder und durch Wälder geroutet, aber eben eher nicht mehr über potenziell (wegen der Nässe) gefährliche Pfade.
Das heißt aber nicht, dass solche Wege ganz umgangen werden, sie werden nur mit einer höheren "Strafe" belegt als sonst. Wenn ein Umweg um einen solchen Weg herum viel zu lang wird, würde der Router trotzdem noch diesen Weg wählen.

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Quote from: john_percy on August 13, 2016, 18:55:38
So, user steps are:
1. Attempt Brouter navigation in Locus but get timeout.
2. Use Brouter app to do same calculation, using remote.brf profile and selecting a to point and a from point.
3. Now it will work in Locus so either import track, or recalculate.
Am I right? If so it's still not very user friendly.

I uploaded a new version with some (60%) Performance improvement, and with a new shortcut to simplify this workflow:
(not yet on play, only here: )

After a timeout, if you start brouter-app (within 5 minutes) you see "<repeat timeout>" in the profile list, and this way you can redo the timed-out calculation and update the reference track without any further click.

More user friendly?

BTW, seems that in the current Locus version, the display of timeout-messages (or any other error-messages) is broken.
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Quote from: poutnikl on August 09, 2016, 20:46:20
I have noticed a strange, too emphasized ( size, bold, red ) rendering of heath care/medical building names.
See the screenshot from the city of Brno, with all options of UniGCCZ theme checked out.

Released a modified version, look at the first post, emergency services you can turn on and off, plus some minor modifications
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Dieses Thema kann jetzt leicht aus dem Locus Store in der App installiert werden.  8)
Gehe zum Locus Store > Nutzung / Graphic / Themes - Vector maps und scrolle dort nach unten zu Locus community / HiLo theme.
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V6, 10.06.2016,
- the bike paths (cycleway) are displayed again
- the height of peaks will be displayed
- boundaries of protected areas can now be optionally shown
- Many little improvements

Details of the changes are in the Read_me.txt

The download link is in the Home Post to find.
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