The problem is that zoom15 is too little. What I need is zoom18-19 around each of those points. But there is no option for zoom 16, 17, 18 and 19 - it only gives me option for zoom6to15.
And yes, there are distances between the points. It's a travel route across half of Europe and there is one point in Germany, another in Switzerland, another in Spain and last in France.
Consider this simple request - I need to download zoom of level 18 around each of those points. I can do that manually for 4 points, but not for 40, or 100.
Thus what I need is to get option to download higher zooms than zoom15.
And yes, there are distances between the points. It's a travel route across half of Europe and there is one point in Germany, another in Switzerland, another in Spain and last in France.
Consider this simple request - I need to download zoom of level 18 around each of those points. I can do that manually for 4 points, but not for 40, or 100.
Thus what I need is to get option to download higher zooms than zoom15.