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Messages - golgot

Currents icons are not "ugly" but sure there is a big gap between category icons and others
Locus icons of the interface (which are really really nice)
You know, Windows 95 icons are not "ugly", but I deeply prefer MACOS icons! ;)
I'd like to help you on this point, but I can't : sure that my icons will be really ugly! :D
Implemented / Create map from a picture
April 13, 2011, 14:43:12
Long time ago, I used a similar product on Windows Mobile (don't remember the name) with a really nice function which enable to transform an image stored on the phone into a maps. It was only necessary to give 2 or 3 coordinates on the image and then I was able to use the map directly on the phone.
It it very useful for example when you're visiting a natural park with a map at the office, or when you want to use an old paper map without installing software on a computer.
For people like me living in an unauthorised country for android payment, you can use following trick : insert in your phone a sim card coming from an authorised country (USA, France, Germany aso), even if the sim card is not valid anymore, you can connect to the market via wifi, pay, and download Locus Pro.

It is also useful to update pro version of Locus.
It may be a good idea that people send their own categories icons to uptade default icons in locus

Current icons in locus are ... hum... how to say that gently?  :oops:

I think that 99% locus users will never add their own icons