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Messages - InfX


I know this may sound like a strange request, but this actually makes sense on some devices, such as HD2 running Android, or any others that draw a lot of current while the GPS is on, staying on a partial wake lock even with a time period between the fixes is set to a number of minutes.

IMHO, this should be fairly easy to implement and would give HD2 users (and maybe many other users, too) a pretty good option for long run low precision GPS logs, that should be still perfectly good for stuff like geotagging.
Quote from: "marder"I think this will not work because the tiles use the CH1903 projection instead of WGS84 and the zoom levels are not a fixed multiple of each other. Here are the resolution in m/pixel for levels 0 to 26 : 4000,3750,3500,3250,3000,2750,2500,2250,2000,1750,1500,1250,1000,750,650,500,250,100,50,20,10,5,2.5,2,1.5,1,0.5.

Menion has added the CH1903 projection now (any info how to actually use it in custom online maps ?). Do zoom level really have to be a fixed multiple of each other ? If so, one may define multiple maps with single zoom level on the same id, naming them something like 1:100000, 1:50000, 1:25000 etc as a workaround.

Any new hints ?  :twisted:
Quote from: "sebbo"should be possible somehow. never changed a header on a apache server before but ill try to find a howto
It shouldn't be a problem on Apache. Take a look here. Never tested it myself though  ;)
I would like to add an "" as a custom online map...

It seems to have 256x256 tiles, fetched from "http://tile{n}{z}/000/000/{x}/000/000/{y}.jpeg", referrer is " ", zoom range is from 14 to 22 (well, to 26, but those are simply a resize of level 22), n seems to be randomized (i've seen 5,6,7,8 and 9), coordinates - hell knows, i don't know much about how those are usually represented, but it seems like a simple x & y for the tile (NOT a geographic coordinate).

Any hints ?
Troubles & Questions / Re: POI import
March 31, 2011, 22:26:19
Thanks. KML/GPX + gpsbabel means ones can import just about anything :)
Troubles & Questions / POI import
March 31, 2011, 22:03:28
What POI formats can locus pro import ?

NOTE: I did try searching the forum, try searching for "import POI" or "import points" and you will get what i mean :(
Quote from: "menion"guys you have just count that Locus allow use TAR maps, but I needed only Mercator maps in WGS84 datum, nothing more, so other map projections and datums aren't implemented in Locus. I'll work on it slowly because this is not one of priorities in Locus ... but I'll try :)

Well, this makes it quite useless for such a maps, because most often ozi maps are calibrated by the local grid, simply because the local one is the main grid on the map, while ozi supports all of them anyway.

Manual recalculation of the calibration points for all the map files ? Maybe if i had no alternative, but right now, no thanks.
Quote from: "cseu"i wish i could read hebrew, especially the red square in the legend which seem to talk about the new and old israeli datums.

Ill have to dissapoint you here, all they say in that square is "the new grid is in red, the old grid is in black, the new grid is an improvement over the old one because its a mercator grid (keeps the angles), here is a conversion formula, old to new". Obviously, they use some nicer wording.

BTW, my current conclusion - if you have an already calibrated ozi map - use androzic, dont bother converting. If you want to download a piece of online map on the go (at the nearest wifi) - use locus.
First off all, thanks for trying to fix this. Sorry, but i don't know a thing about the .map files structure in ozi, i see you've found a site that describes it, though. The calibration points coords are most likely relative to the Israeli datum used in the Israeli Transverse Mercator grid, i am assuming this because (1) that's how they look like, (2) the original scanned map is ITM, (3) "Israeli,WGS 84, 0.0000, 0.0000,WGS 84" - this "Israeli" should mean something, what else can it possibly mean. And yea, i know it also says "WGS 84", don't ask, no idea what those params are :(
Tools / Re: Batch converting ozfx files to locus
March 23, 2011, 23:06:50
The tar format is what i've found on this forum while searching for a way to use ozi maps with locus. What is the format that is fully supported and how do you recommend to convert the ozi maps into it ?
Fetch it directly from me, here - // It's a box sitting on my home internet connection, that is rather slow. Sorry about that, i just don't have any "proper" hosting anywhere. I can upload to rapidshare or some similar "wait until our timer ticks down and watch our ads" service, if fetching directly from me is a problem.

The "10_DEST2195.ozfx3" is the original map.
The "" is it's calibration file, the very same one attached here.
The "10_DEST2195_ozf.tar" is the tiled png + tar-ed version with the .map inside.

Some notes:
* The ozfx3 + map work just fine on Oziexplorer 3.96.2a (that's what i happened to have installed on my PC) and looks properly calibrated (tested by applying recorded tracks on it)
* The ozfx3 + map work fine with Androzic without any conversion whatsoever and seems properly calibrated (tested by simply turning the GPS on in Androzic and walking around a bit)
* I did not use the provided java image splitter to tile+tar the images and map (but i don't see why would it matter)
* The tar-ed map opens just fine on Locus, but nowhere near properly calibrated
* Same happens with a bunch of similar ozi maps (yet they all originate from the same source)
I've tried converting some ozi maps into tar files, supposedly identical to the ones resulted by following this manual. Locus is able to show the maps, yet the calibrations is totally off,to an extent i kinda suppose it is not even being read. For example Bat Yam location on this map, checked by scrolling to it and long-tapping on it is approx N1.479xE1.153, while in reality its more like N32.019xE34.744 !!!

I am attaching the offending .map (rar-ed, the forum wont let me attach .map as it is), please help if possible.

I am currently running HyperDroid GBX (v9) on my HD2, "Time between GPS locations" set to 0 works, anything else powers the GPS down on standby, completely. And, while the with "Time between GPS locations" set to zero it actually works properly, the current consumption is way too high, my estimation is - it would be enough for maybe 8 hours of tracking. The only real solution for this is fixing the GPS power management stuff on the HD2 ROM/kernel.

NOTE: as a partial workaround i've made myself a little tasker script that can be fired up, for example, every 5 minutes, acquire a lock and store a location. The resulting csv file may be converted to anything you may like (kml, gpx, whatever) using the gpsbabel pc app. This script is probably not going to work in case the "Time between GPS locations" set to 0 doesn't, though.
Tools / Batch converting ozfx files to locus
March 23, 2011, 00:21:12
I've made a little bat file to convert multiple ozfx files to locus tar files without user interaction and though it may be useful for others as well, so i've decided to post it here. Let me know if posting something like this is considered wrong for whatever reason.

Tools used:
 * ozf2img v1.1
 * imagemagick convert v 6.6.8-5 (Q8), renamed to imconvert.exe
 * tar (unknown version, whatever runs under my win32)

 * Make sure the tools mentioned above are accessible on your %path%
 * Copy the ozfx files together with the corresponding map files into a separate directory
 * Execute the bat below from inside this directory

Bat file code:
@echo off

:: run on all map files and convert those
for %%i in (*.map) do (
    call :convert %%i
    if errorlevel 1 echo Error !
    if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
goto :eof

:: single map conversion function
    :: params
    set mapfile=%1
    set mapdir=%~n1
    set tarfile=%mapdir%.tar

    :: convert the map image into png
    echo Extracting image from %mapfile%...
    ozf2img.exe -i%mapfile% > NUL || exit /b 1
    :: crop the image into tiles, erase the big image
    echo Generating %mapdir% tiles...
    mkdir %mapdir% || exit /b 1
    imconvert *.png -crop 250x250 -set filename:fn "%%[fx:page.x/250+1000]_%%[fx:page.y/250+1000]" +repage %mapdir%%%[filename:fn].png
    if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
    del *.png || exit /b 1
    :: rename the tiles
    cd %mapdir%
    for %%n in (????_????.png) do call :rename %%n || exit /b 1
    cd ..

    :: tar tiles and map, kill the tiles dir
    echo Packing %tarfile%...
    tar -c %mapfile% %mapdir%/* > %tarfile% || exit /b 1
    rmdir /q /s %mapdir% || exit /b 1
goto :eof

set fn=%1
ren %1 %fn:~1,3%_%fn:~6,3%.%fn:~10,3% || exit /b 1
goto :eof
Update, i've just noticed that if i lock the map, despite not really having any zoom levels in the map data, so i should have no need to "lock" anything, locus resizes the image just fine. Kinda defies the need to include different zoom levels in the converted map, assuming those are simple resizes anyway  :)