Hi. I am trying to use the following custom online map source in an attempt to use it as an overlay on top of another map, yet trying to view it in a "standalone" mode for the sake of testing:
Locus attempts to load the map, yet shows all the tiles as "Not exists". Being 100% sure the params in the xml above are correct (tested using custom mobac map source), i've recorded a pcap of the locus network communication. Seems like Locus is receiving the tiles after all. See https://dl.dropbox.com/u/32489520/amuda ... tered.pcap for an example of one such tile being fetched by Locus. I've copied the data from pcap and un-gz-ed it, this is, indeed, a blank, transparent png file. Obviously, not all of them are blank, but this sample one is.
Any idea what's wrong?
Code Select
<provider id="10191" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<attribution><![CDATA[<a href="http://mapi.gov.il/">Terms of use</a>]]></attribution>
<extraHeader><![CDATA[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1]]></extraHeader>
Locus attempts to load the map, yet shows all the tiles as "Not exists". Being 100% sure the params in the xml above are correct (tested using custom mobac map source), i've recorded a pcap of the locus network communication. Seems like Locus is receiving the tiles after all. See https://dl.dropbox.com/u/32489520/amuda ... tered.pcap for an example of one such tile being fetched by Locus. I've copied the data from pcap and un-gz-ed it, this is, indeed, a blank, transparent png file. Obviously, not all of them are blank, but this sample one is.
Any idea what's wrong?