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Topics - DJCM

As per the title, this has recently started happening for me.  I can view elevation profile fine in portrait mode but when I click elevation profile, then rotate my phone, the app crashes and exits every time.


Hi, I would normally plot a route for a walk using another website, then import the route to follow and record as a track.  I decided to give your one a go but as I often climb subsiduary peaks off the main routes, when I tried to plot one of these, I got the following error:

You cannot view this attachment.

Are you able to fix this so that I can plot away from a path on your map?  Unfortunately, your planner is no use to me if I can't stray from any paths.

Also, are there plans to make any Ordnance Survey (or other) maps you have bought available to view on the planner, or are they only going to be visible on my phone?

Many thanks,

Hi, former Viewranger user looking for info before deciding whether to use Locus as a replacement.

Could someone please confirm if I am able to bulk upload all of my previous GPX tracks I recorded on Viewranger, for viewing on a map on your website and app?  If so, will I be able to view the stats as if I had recorded the track on Locus?

So far, it looks like Locus could be a suitable replacement, are there any other former Viewranger users on here that can vouch for it?  If so, what do you like the best about Locus and what do you miss from VR that isn't featured?

Many thanks,
