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Messages - curi0

I see.. probably that's why it's kinda slow to render some "crowded" areas. Ok then, thanks a lot for your help!
Thanks for the reply. Yes, currently I'm on v3.5.3 and the world map is working fine on top of other vector maps, covering the part on that first screenshot.

Also, what do you meant by weakness? When they're fixed, will the maps version changed (and I need to purchase them again)?
Troubles & Questions / Glitched tiles on vector map
December 26, 2014, 00:43:53
Hi guys, after I downloaded Japan's vector map (Honshu) using the latest Locus, I got this blank tile from Zoom Lv. 1 to 7. Some parts of the map also have weird tiles as you can see in the screenshots. The same things still happen even after I downloaded other areas such as Kyushu and Shikoku. So how to fix this?

Note: When I use the "World base map", the blank tile is not an issue anymore (although it's still there), but the other glitched tiles still persist.