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Topics - marder


since Locus map has upgraded to version 2.20, I cannot access maps on ext . SDCard. I have a Samsung S4 with custom 4.4.2 ROM that allows writing on ext. SDCard.

I have reinstalled an older version of Locus (2.19.1) and everything is working fine.

However, with version 2.20, despite numerous trials and reboots, the /storage/extSdCard/Locus directory is completely ignored and a fresh, empty one is created on /sdcard and then used.
Troubles & Questions / Problem with map caching
January 18, 2012, 19:44:01

I use Google maps/Hybrid with Locus.
Wanting to try the effects of the "Set valid for" parameters, I set it to "0".
Since then, in the map manager, when I press on Google/Hybrid, the only menu I get is "Information", instead of "Information/Set Valid for/Clear cache" and the information popup tells me that "Can be cached : No"

Is there a way to get back to the status where the map can be cached and I get the three menus entries ?
