Quote from: menion on October 05, 2017, 22:09:15
Hello, thanks for a feedback.
I have to ask, why you would like to create via-points by moving shaping points closer to existing points? Why not to directly tap on existing point and add it to plan?
Google Places fix: thanks for testing and confirmation!
Hmm using both versions at once is really not recommended. It may lead to unexpected problems like these you wrote about. No simple solution on this, sorry.
Hope you had a nice time!
The reason is probably the way I plan motorcycle tours: I first construct the rough plan (start, POI, end) and then search for things to enhance the tour (interesting roads, landmarks,...) and modify the route accordingly. Then I search for specific POI along this route, for example a resting area, picnic places, restaurants, gas stations, etc and modify the route again.
And here I would like to just move a shaping point to an existing point,for example by moving the red dot (middle of a segment) to the via point. With the add option of the point, I would need to specify where to insert the point, which is not necessarily the beginning or end (or second last) point.
For the other problem: I just wanted to let you know that while both free and pro can be installed side by side, having a track recording active and accidentally opening the other version leads to both trying to record. I noticed only while beta testing and was surprised, that was all :-)
The motorcycle vacation was awesome and for me, Locus plays a huge part in it (planning, recording, etc). So I would like to thank you again for your efforts and hope that you still enjoy working on it!