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Messages - M3P

application version: 0.5.0
playable: YES
problems: no

walk in forest with background story from E.A.Poe

little problem to find one stage, probably because of signal, not cartridge
Cartridge experience / GC27M7B - Orientacny beh
March 25, 2012, 00:13:31
application version: 0.6.0
playable: YES
problems: no

run (race) in forest
application version: 0.5.0
playable: YES
problems: no

walk through town

little problem is that already solved zones are still active, sometimes it is confusing
application version: 0.4.10
playable: YES
problems: no

walk through town Bratislava with many interesting facts from town history
first version of cartridge was too complicated (people said :), this shortened version is OK
Cartridge experience / GC220H0 - Levice 1 WIG
November 03, 2010, 13:41:05
application version: 0.4.9 (<0.4.10)
playable: YES
problems: no

walk through town
application version: ???
playable: YES
problems: no

easy walk around town square
application version: ???
playable: YES
problems: no

quite easy, but fine
beautiful view