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Messages - trogdan

Wishlist / Developer API to not control display
December 13, 2012, 18:26:34

I have an issue using the developer api.  It works great, however, anytime i send data to Locus, it automatically brings Locus activity to the front (big problem), centers the display on the new object draw, and zooms the map to fit the entire feature in the window.  

Is it possible to not have these automatically happen?  I would like Locus to remain in the background, and have the tracks and points update, but not have the Locus map move.  It makes it hard because I'm using it as a real-time display, so points and tracks are being added and updated in the background, and i can't move around the display because Locus is auto-zooming and panning.

Looks like SendDataSilent will prevent LocusPro activity from being brought to the front, but it still centers and zooms on the new tracks, even when 'zoom lock' is selected in the Locus app.

The call importFileLocus does not have a "silent" option. As a result, Locus pro always comes back to be the top activity, I can't interact with other apps while it's being updated in the background.
Wishlist / Re: Circles and Polygon
December 07, 2012, 20:45:54
No worries, menion.

I make things more complicated than they need to be.  I can do what I need with KML, with polygons, and shading.  If I import a file with the same filename, the old shape is updated.  Problem solved    :D

I may take some time to create a branch of the repository to suggest a possible interface to your API.  Maybe it can give you some ideas, but again, I can do what I need right now.
Wishlist / Re: Circles and Polygon
December 07, 2012, 19:14:53
If you are using MapsForge, it appears they have a CircleOverlay ... cleOverlay
Wishlist / Re: Circles and Polygon
December 07, 2012, 18:59:33
Okay, so what did I find out.  Neither GPX nor KML has a circle in their schemas. (GPX is really only good for points and lines). But I can use a polygon with KML. However, I need to update the polygon with real-time information.    This poses an issue because polygons in GPX and KML don't really have an ID field to do an update. At this point i can only hope that when locus reloads a file with the same path, it removes the old file data, then adds the new file data.

KML does have a way to update the entire KML (or a region of the KML for performance), using the <Update> tag under <NetworkLinkControl>.  This is probably an advanced feature that I doubt you have implemented in Locus, nor do I expect you to, since it's pretty complicated. ... nce#update

Both these methods lack the capability to shade the area in locus, which is another "nice to have"

What if i run a WMS server? I have much experience with WMS.  Does locus pro only do WMS raster, or does it handle vector?
Wishlist / Re: Circles and Polygon
December 07, 2012, 17:52:05

I figured you were busy fixing bugs what with the Google Play store, so I figure this new feature should be lower priority until you get the big problems done first. I posted here so that in case someone else wanted a similar feature, they could comment on it. I will add to the google code issues.

I looked at KML, and there doesn't appear to be a way to draw circles directly,, but you can draw a polygon using it, and then load the KML via the API.  This SHOULD work for my prototype.  I just need to make sure that I can update the polygon by ID, since the shape needs to be able to update as the circle changes size and position.  It's not the cleanest looking (the KML example does this example with 200 pts), and obviously a larger circle geographically will need more points to remain circular.
Wishlist / Circles and Polygon
December 07, 2012, 17:06:38
Really need a way to render a proximity circle AND/OR a polygon, especially via the third party API, so that I can use my app to draw simple waypoints, tracks, and area features (specifically circle, but this can be approximated with polygon) on the Locus app.