Started by Menion, August 03, 2011, 15:53:48

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I brought up in another thread: //http://forum.asamm.cz/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1117 the fact that there were a few mis-matched measurements, such as requesting a distance in Meters when set to Imperial measurements, etc..

One thing that came up was that Tom Tom voices only have Yards and Meters.  My opinion is that Menion should continue showing 600 feet on the display, but announce 200 yards.  What do you guys think?  Showing 200 yards would match better, but personally I'd prefer seeing feet.


Test version doesn't work at all. It can show the car on a route, but suddenly it changes to the blue arrow. If I then tap Nearest Point, it selects the starting point of the created route. No way to make Locus understand that I am right on the route (purple line). Sorry, this version was worse than


thanks, I just discovered this about an hour on own field test. One stupid mistake in angle compute. Sorry ...
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Is there a way to stop navigation and delete the track easily?  Stop navigation is easy enough, but tracks is data->tracks->track->delete->yes.

I think it does seem to over-write the previous track, so making track after track is probably not a big deal, just have to delete the one track when I'm done, but it'd be nice to be able to stop navigation and remove the track in one step.  :)


1.13.2 Pro navigation test report based on experience from several trips the last two days:

Great news:
- when off-route, the guide line to nearest point is updated correctly all the time now! Just perfect!
- re-joining the route now works perfectly!
- the new auto re-compute route works perfectly!
- the two new entries in Settings > Navigation> "Distance for recalculate" and "Invalid distance" work great!

The "overshoot" is still an issue. When a new point while creating a route, computed the route is drawn to a point beyond the selected point. Refer gpx file sent in an earlier post.

Refer earlier post August 30. The suggested new status line at the bottom (just above the bottom command line) with 3-4 fields with user selectable contents would be the crown now.


Installed version 1.13.3 today.
- Thank you so much for implementing my suggestion of a new status line with user selectable contents on the navigation screen. This is really great!! Thank you!!
- I created some navigation routes, and the overshoot issue with MapQuest seems to be gone. So you fixed something here?

Congratulations Menion with a great release and thanks again for all the great navigation features!!


you're welcome :) many improvements is thanks to you, so I thank you very much for reporting and support ;). I at the end, added only two panels on top, because when you shift map center and do not hide bottom panel, there is very low space above bottom panel for next panel, so I think, top part is fine ...

about overshoot. Yes, I filter all data before start point and after end point manually. I don't know why MapQuest return these data.

also In navigation is not voice command like "after x metres turn right then after Y metres turn ..." etc. Hope this will be helpful. MapQuest data are very nice because it contain also info like "keep in left line" or "exit highway" etc, so I think it's going to be fully working navigation now. I know, big disadvantage is required internet connection for route compute but I think it's not such big deal. And you can compute route at home in worst cases ...
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Quote from: "svartbjorn"Installed version 1.13.3 today.
- Thank you so much for implementing my suggestion of a new status line with user selectable contents on the navigation screen.
Where is this?  I have been looking around to see what it's about but not seeing it?


Like all the navigation windows this status line shows up when you start navigation. So you create a navigation route as before, then you tap the command "Guide on" (on the create route command line) to start the guided navigation. At that point the large turn window, a small guide command window, a street name window on top, and this new status window below that show up. All these windows have menues and command below, which show up by tapping them. There are a lot of features here.


Discovered an error in the new navigation status line with the two user selectable fields:
- If I select "Time of arrival", it displays "Unknown" until I reach the destination whereupon it displays a time that makes no sense to me.
- If I select "Time to target", it displays "Unknown" until I reach the destination whereupon it displays a huge integer number with more than 8 digits.

I am assuming these fields are supposed to display the estimated time of arrival, not the actual time spent calculated after arrival.

What is the estimated arrival time based upon - speed limit on the streets chosen in the calculated route or an actual average speed the last minutes? The first one is what is used in other navigation apps. In that way you get a time even before you have started moving.


First of all: Locus becomes better and better. Sometimes I start to wonder whether more features should be added, because it might become too many. But by now i love it.

With the last update (1.13.3) one question was raised: It says that the several navigation sources have pros and cons. Is there any list of them? Maybe someone can list them in a post / new topic. After that a link could be added either to the market description or within locus.


Navigated with "autozoom", don't really like it :(. But it might be a little more useful, if it would be switched on only during navigation (setting: Off, while navigating, always on).

The voice guidance sometimes tells you lies in situation like "After 50m turn left then after 200m turn right". The second distance is often wrong (I think it might be the first distance repeated).

But these are minor things, the navigation (with Mapquest) gets me where I want to. And that's the major thing!


svart: there are some missing info in MapQuest data and some in CloudMade, that's why you see 'Unknown' text. But thanks, I'll look at it. It have to show correct value for whole navigation

tusor: no, compare is not yet ready but will be. For now, you have to check on your own. Main difference is that every server use different algorithm to compute route, so if should navigate you on other ways

stebu: please share with me start and end location and type of navigation (car fast, etc..). Small mistakes are also important so I have to check if this is problem in locus or in data

and about autozoom ... :) .. I know that it need some improvements to be fully functional also during navigation. In future for sure!
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Quote from: "svartbjorn"Discovered an error in the new navigation status line with the two user selectable fields:
- If I select "Time of arrival", it displays "Unknown" until I reach the destination whereupon it displays a time that makes no sense to me.
- If I select "Time to target", it displays "Unknown" until I reach the destination whereupon it displays a huge integer number with more than 8 digits.

I am assuming these fields are supposed to display the estimated time of arrival, not the actual time spent calculated after arrival.

What is the estimated arrival time based upon - speed limit on the streets chosen in the calculated route or an actual average speed the last minutes? The first one is what is used in other navigation apps. In that way you get a time even before you have started moving.

hmm, when I'm trying it home, I cannot achieve weird values! As I wrote before, unknown values are there because speed information aren't in data from MapQuest (but are in Cloudmade - damn). What can I do to get this error? Did this happen to you only when you're out?
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Refer my post above regarding the navigation status line. One more thing I discovered today: If I select "Time to next cross", the field shows correct value as long as I am moving. When I stop, the field displays a huge number (seems to be max number possible to store. Obviously what you get when calculated from speed =0. However, it looks too bad. It should rather display the latest calculated value that makes sense. So e.g if you have 2min left to next cross and have to stop, it should keep showing 2min. This is how car navigators work. Alternatively it could display "----".