My library (Data manager), V2

Started by Menion, November 01, 2024, 15:46:37

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You're right. Only the function is the same. I counted the opening of the folder structure. Previously the tree structure was always open. It doesn't matter, if it doesn't work then that's just how it is.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on November 15, 2024, 09:28:10scroll breadcrumbs when new folder is added > when you add a new folder, you do not directly jump into it. So new folder is not visible at the top breadcrumbs so there is nothing to scroll.
@Menion - the new folder is not entered or made visible in the list. If I find a long list of points or tracks > add new folder > the breadcrumb doesn't show the new folder, and the new folder is at the top of the list so not visible because no scrolling happens.

All other questions answered - thanks & all good. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hmm, what's that dev version about?
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@Menion, complex labels, it seems they only show up after a delay and on ZL15+ EDIT: AH WE FORGOT ABOUT THE EXPERT SETTING 😅 "Draw popup labels by zoom" - case closed.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on November 15, 2024, 09:28:10inspiration from Solid Explorer > I saw it too and like it  :D, was just lazy to do something like this :)
@Menion - so you use Solid Explorer? A few random rambling thoughts comparing the SE & LM user interface, and more general wacky ideas:

  • general comment - MyLibrary is becoming like a file explorer - Windows Explorer, Android Solid Explorer - I like it!
  • Locus uses Select items > Move or Copy > Select Folder, whereas most? file explorers & other UI, use Select > Cut or Copy > Paste - the latter a more conventional & familiar paradigm to all users? Copy/Paste is more generic/ general purpose/ can be used in more tasks/ ways. For Copy/Paste you "end up" in the destination folder, which I like, whereas for LM4 Move you stay in the source folder & don't see where the items have "gone".
  • Example for a new user - current folder displays 4 subfolders and wants to rename one - my first idea is to long-tap the folder > dot-dot-dot > Edit folder, or "^" (Tools) Edit folder - similar to Windows. But actual correct method - have to tap to change into the folder > dot-dot-dot > Edit folder.
  • Similarly to edit folder | track | point "properties" there are different methods - for LM4 > tap track | point > Edit Info, where as current list > dot-dot-dot > Edit folder
  • Actual name "My Library" - a mouth full - "My Data"? Is the word "data" more meaningful than "library"?
  • Extending the file explorer analogy - file types - folders, tracks, points - could all be treated consistently. Now extend to no-go areas - expose these as items in the folder for proper management. And with multiple folder levels - could have folder & item "shortcuts" like Windows - a folder shortcut moves you quickly to any other place in the hierarchy; a track | point | no-go shortcut is treated the same as tapping/ long tapping the actual track | point | no-go instead of duplicating the item & risking data inconsistency. The same mechanism could possibly extend to other "data types" in future without having to have new special buttons or menus in "Tools". At least the "Edit Properties" command.

Some ideas could simplify the UI rather than making it more complex.

LM 4.0 released 21st March 2021. I guess/ hope this will be 5.0 as I have trouble counting past 26? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


"dev" version > sorry, it is our internal test version, removed

complex labels > ah, I've completely forgotten about this setting. Fine ...

@Andrew Heard
thanks for the ideas!

move & copy in the style of file browsers > we were thinking about it and decided to keep old system. It has its positive and negative of course and we were not sure which one is better > so rather stick with system that we know it already works.

editing options > the idea here is to unite all methods to be available from within a certain folder/point/track. Reason for this was to get rid of three-dot menu in the folder item and replace it for the eye (so united with points/tracks).

"My library" name > you do not like it? Better "Library" than "Data" I believe  :)

"No-go" points > I know. Already discussed. No-go points are not in the database, so I'll have to change whole system a little more to make this possible.
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Graf Geo

Agree. Better not too much amendment. Move/copy: keep old system please. "My library" ist absolutely ok.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)
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Mick FU

Hi everyone, I am following and testing quietly 😊.
Is this new "Library" would enable "easily" this kind of request?

There is no filter by distance from the search point, when searching for tracks, and sometimes, it is needed to display on map dozens of "near tracks", and one need to click eyes icons one by one 😔.



"My Library", perfect name IMO. "My" is absolutely necessary, and Library is shorter than "Tracks and points". "Data" would be unclear.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Quote from: Tapio on November 18, 2024, 13:31:44"My Library", perfect name IMO. "My" is absolutely necessary, and Library is shorter than "Tracks and points". "Data" would be unclear.

I give a vote for My Library as well...

Mick FU

Am I blind? how to search a track near a specific map location with this new Library 🤔, please ?
No search per name or activity types, just all of them, but near somewhere else than my current location.

Graf Geo

@Mick FU
You mean the option to start a search that then lists all your tracks on the map, sorted by distance (nearest first) from the current cursor position? I miss that too, and I very much hope that this option will also be available in the new MyLib.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)

Mick FU

Quote from: Graf Geo on November 18, 2024, 19:45:09@Mick FU
You mean the option to start a search that then lists all your tracks on the map, sorted by distance (nearest first) from the current cursor position? I miss that too, and I very much hope that this option will also be available in the new MyLib.
Exactely that and, once list is done, adding a way to select those tracks that are less than x meters from cursor position and display them with eye option.


Hi guys,

I've just generated and uploaded the beta version based on changes of the recent app version. No visible changes, just a big bunch of minor internal optimizations. I had a week full of Android Auto + pre-release fine-tuning + team meeting.

Search for tracks
Currently, when you tap on the search, you may easily see sorted all available content. Sort by location in the My Library match Expert settings > Default search/sort location. So by default, it sorts by distance from the last known location. You may change it to the center of the main map.

Limit by distance > hmm, this is currently in the filter for points. For tracks it may be quite a challenge.

Display only certain activity type > again already in the filter.
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Graf Geo

Search for tracks (or points) - hmm, I open my Library and the folder "Tracks" . Or "Points" or "root".

Than search - without typing anything into the search field. (Because I only want the points/tracks near my cursor position to be listed).

First all folders and subfolders are listed (and I have a lot). I have to scroll down a long time to find the tracks that can be sorted by distance.

In this case I will see only the tracks and not the folders. Is makes no sense to list the folders.

Same searching for points (in folder "Points").

I know each folder can contain tracks and points, but searching for nearest elements (tracks and/or points) to gps or map center should not list folders.

And I understand the logic of the search, which does not differentiate whether I type something into the search field or not. If I don't type anything, everything is found. Folders, tracks and points.

Maybe there needs to be an option "don't list folders" that you can activate in this case.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)