My library (Data manager), V2

Started by Menion, November 01, 2024, 15:46:37

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Leo Wood

My question is ,After I update LM4 to the new version, can LM3 still use WAYPOINT and tracks in the database folder?
For now, LM3 and LM4 can use the same set of data.


Quote from: Leo Wood on November 07, 2024, 10:21:55My question is ,After I update LM4 to the new version, can LM3 still use WAYPOINT and tracks in the database folder?
For now, LM3 and LM4 can use the same set of data.
I suspect not. But only Menion can answer that for sure. I recommend giving up LM3. It will stop working at some point, as the maintenance mode will also expire at some point. Why not switch now.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Menion, will you support export/zipping of subfolders recursively? Woukd be great. Currently not working.
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Blue background missing if all is selected.
Menu entry needed to create/refresh all miniatures?

Bug? I changed "Track label" to "Complex" on a folder. This was not inherited to its tracks.
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@Leo Wood
if you use older Android and have shared the "Locus" directory for LM3 and LM4, do not use this version as Classic lost its data!

import/export of subfolders > I was expecting this :). Not working now. With nested sub-folders, there is a lot of possibilities. Most of them will be a lot of work because old system is not ready for this. What will be possible in the end > we will see mainly based on interest & complexity.

blue background for folder > and what if subfolders content is not visible, only direct inner points & tracks? I'm not sure about style of this button yet.

"Complex" style > do you mean change from "Slim > Full"? It works to me correctly, hmm.
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When filterung data and then want to select it all via selectall the filter is ignored an all data in folder is selected
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Quote from: Menion on November 07, 2024, 13:02:42"Complex" style > do you mean change from "Slim > Full"? It works to me correctly, hmm.
No, Track Labels, "Complex". In the folder properties.

Export of everything starting at a specific level would be awesome.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Graf Geo on November 07, 2024, 09:54:01- start, the app will do a database conversion
it didn't offer the conversion for me, and no suggestions from @Menion why RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Haven't tested yet, maybe at weekend.
import/export of subfolders:
export of items typically means export of the selected items including their subtrees.
Import is typically the import of the once exported structure, maybe V1 or V2, while V2 this also might be different type of items incl. subfolders, as far as I understand the V2-change and new possibilities.
Well, anything else would make no sense.


Exporting whole folder trees to gpx (e. g.) sure is what you expect when you click on a breadcrumb folder at the top... Yes, quite some work. The export formats, folders, zip, v2, LM3? etc. Menions work can never end 😁
But should obviously be done only if all platforms use the same db format.
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If I understood Menion correctly, the new super structure resides in an extra database. Hence you only need a tree traversion on this new database. Such is doable on all platforms in 21st century. And the primitives for the various data collection/transforming operations do already exist anyway. So I do not see any massive complexity here. Do I miss a point, Menion?


track labels changes to "Complex" > it works correctly to me. Labels on the map for tracks directly in this folder (not sub-folders) are changed

to @michaelbechtold as well ... export of the whole structure > app already do operations over folders & sub-folders, this is not a problem. What I do not know, is how to deal with the structure.

Picking all the points and tracks, even from sub-folders, and export them to a single file > not a big problem. Is this enough? Someone will want to keep the structure of the folders right? Maybe also for import, right? And here problems start :)

@Andrew Heard
conversion is done automatically at start, no questions. Anyway I wrote you over email as there will probably be some unknown problem
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Oki, so at least something like this for now? Uf :P

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Graf Geo

I don't have a strong opinion on export. I actually only use export as an additional backup for important tracks and occasionally to be able to import individual tracks into another app or web application.

If I can export individual folders, then I would like to be able to optionally exclude subfolders.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


And a new weekend version RC11 is out ...

Have a nice weekend! RC11
  - chg: export of the selected folders export all sub-folder content as well!
  - chg: statistics visible by default for "advanced" users
  - chg: pseudo-3-state folder eye icon
  - add: preserving selection when changing filter
  - fix: properly working sort, filter and multi-select in "Search mode"
  - fix: proper selection of items when filter is active
  - fix: ignored active filter when selecting items
  - fix: search for folders by "number" in the name
  - fix: crash when importing file from MapItems
  - fix: proper cancel of the "display/hide content" dialog
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