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Route and Track

Started by beonun, August 02, 2011, 02:53:33

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Concerning about :

Waypoint : wpt represents a waypoint, point of interest, or named feature on a map.
Route : rte represents route - an ordered list of waypoints representing a series of turn points leading to a destination
Track : trk represents a track - an ordered list of points describing a path.

In general, most gps app. deal with waypoints, routes, and tracks.
But, Locus does not have the concept of 'Route'.
In Locus, I think that  the concept of Track are used to be mixed with Route
Frankly speaking, I am very confused with that.

Why don't you add the concept of Route in Locus ?


hmm, did you played with Locus? Looks like so. So you can understand me, that I have no idea how to separate this. When you record track and you add some custom waypoints along track, should I then place this into new "Route category"? If you compute track and part of this track will be computed by Cloudmade service, should I put this into Route because it contain few points with description? I see this as nonsence to separate this in Locus. There is no need for this I think ...
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Thanks Menion!

First, I want to express Locus is a excellent app. and I am a Locus fan^^
I also thought that you had reviewed about 'route categories'.
The Garmin GPSer may makes me  that 'route categories' is necessary.

And then, I want to ask :
1. What do you think why other app. and GPX 1.1 Schema have the route category ?

2. Do you think that the track and route navigation  are same ?  
Generally, a track is consisted of many track points, but a route  has a few route points.
Sometimes I use the track navigation where I go to the steep mountain path at  first, because I am new there.
I often use the route navigation where I explore new route.

3. Have you thought when the gpx data made by Locus is used other apps or the opposite,  the exchange and conversion of the gpx file including 'route'  

Thanks again for your reply!


hmm, I don't know exact answers so it all be only my thoughts.

Actual system is mainly based on way how locus was developed. At begin, there was only tracks and no way to add or even create something like route. Much later was added support for import also RTE points from GPX file and now also ability to use CloudMade system to generate route online. And I really have no idea why should I separate these "tracks" now. In Locus is no difference between guiding (navigation) along track or route. I plan to add better support for route but it isn't now!

About export, when you create "route" by CloudMade service, and you then export this route to GPX, it should be valid file with all points in TRK tag and all "main" points as separate item.
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I would also love to export recorded tracks along with the waypoints entered during this recording. Couldn't you just reference the track on the waypoints when a track is recording? I would do this in the table with an optional field which can then be searched when the track is exportet.

Usage: I love geocaching with multicaches and I generate a GPX and a picture of the track for the family afterwards and I want to show the stations there. For now I add the waypoints after exporting using a GPX editor like prune manually.


hmm when you record track, on track recording panel is ability to add waypoint into actually recorded track, so all together (track + points) are then exported as one file
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Dear Menion,

OK, then I might probably did something wrong here. I added the "+" Button on the right side panel and always use this one to add points. So there is a difference between this button the one in the record track panel? On our next trip I try the other button then.


yes, plus button on right panel add (as you already noticed) points into POI categories. Button with POI symbol and small "plus" add some important points into recorded track. Anyway points added into track are just name + coordinates. Just simple marks on track. If you want store some points with more info during record and export them together, I may only suggest to have one category that will store as storage for new POI and use "+" button on right panel, and after trip, export track and one POI category
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Yes you are right, I like to store a correct name like "Station 2". So the only way at the moment would be to create for each multicache a seperate category and store the waypoints into this category along the way. At the end I export the track and the POIs seperately and then maybe merge these two?


if you want to store only name + place, then you can! use button on track recording panel - better try on yourself, you'll see. Anyway your description looks really complicated :)
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I'll give it a try on our next trip! Thanks for the explanation. I will report.


Thanks a lot Menion !

I don't wanna argue with you.  I only want Locus is better.
I understand you mean that a track point and route point  are the same on navigation logic in program.  I think it maybe is right.
But the concept of track and route are basically different.  
I guess you think they don't need to be seperated on gps apps.  I disagree with you -_-

There is a track with trackpoints and points(= waypoints, route points).
I wanna the route navigation reviewing the track.  This means I don't wanna the track navigation and only trackpoints are displayed for reviewing.
For this, I have to create two tracks in Locus. One is the track with only track points and the other is the track with points(=waypoints, route points).
And then, I select the track navigation with points(=waypoints, route points)

We call the track with points in Locus as a route in other apps.  
I think you wanna say that those are not different. So those are called track in Locus.
That means a track can be consist of only waypoints.  Are you agree?  

Most of gps apps. call the track with only points(=waypoints) in Locus as 'Route'
I don't wanna gps terms make us to be confused.

Thanks again for your concern.
I really want Locus is better! ^^