Recorded tracks missing after version update

Started by jasper, July 31, 2011, 16:28:30

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Having been using version 0.9.27 for several months I recently installed the latest version of Locus Pro. Now I have both Locus 0.9.27 & Locus Pro 1.9.5 installed on my phone. However the tracks that I have recorded using 0.9.27 (and earlier) are not shown in 1.9.5, indeed since installing 1.9.5 they have also disappeared from 0.9.27. Any idea if I can somehow retrive the tracks? I've browsed the SD card and found no obvious place that they are saved, are they saved on the internal memory?
A second issue of less concern is that I don't seem to be able to load maps that I downloaded using 0.9.27 in 1.9.5.

Any help would be much appreciated and thanks for a great app.


hmm this is pretty old version. Since this, there was few updates that affect also track database, anyway I tried to do all updates to be back compatible. Hmm if you look into Locus/data directory, there should be file dbtrack.sqll, so please send me this file on email, and I'll look what's wrong with this file. Anyway count that your Free 0.9.27 will do troubles with reading new file version so I really suggest not to use this old version. If you want Free version for map download, here on forum is 1.5.1 version or add missing maps by your own
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thanks for your reply, I emailed the file to the address that confirmed the forum registration


email received

file you send contain only one track with one point recorded 30.7.2011 so I suggest that you updated, all tracks was deleted so you created one track as test. I cannot remember now and also I don't see it in update news, but I'm almost sure that there was one update that deleted track in database because of radical change I had to do with storing tracks. But I thought it was much earlier. Anyway do you have some backup of this file before update? If not, I'm very sorry but there is probably no chance to get your tracks back now ...
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ok thanks for your help, in future I will keep a backup. What is the most reliable method of recording tracks, using the integrated recorder or using google's my tracks?


Quote from: "jasper"ok thanks for your help, in future I will keep a backup. What is the most reliable method of recording tracks, using the integrated recorder or using google's my tracks?

The way I do is to use locus to record tracks and export to GPSies for backup.