Dynamic POIs?

Started by Michal Bryxí, December 31, 2023, 08:55:48

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Michal Bryxí


I have a service that regularly updates list of POIs (in form of GPX, but can be altered to produce anything really), and I'd like Locus to regularly (or just one-click) reload these POIs.

The POIs change daily, so manual delete-old-download-new-import-new hoop is not very practical.

I was looking into online WMS, but to my best understanding those can't have "active elements". My POIs carry a lot of information in the description field, so I need to be able to select & explore the details.

Can locus do something like this?


There is a limited form of scripting available. E.g. OAM is using that to install a map plus its POI from a website with one click there. So you can use that mechanics to put an Android icons next to Locus on you device, push the button, which downloads the file to the right place. Then you need can start Locus with the new data.
I never tested such, but from the bits and pieces I know, this sequence SHOUKLD work. Good luck trying.


Hi guys,
hmm maybe you may give a try to the so-called "Network link" feature of the KML format: https://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/kmlreference#networklink . Instead of KML, you should link to your GPX file on the web. Placing and activating this network link KML over MapItems should work I believe.
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