How to chose the last navigation method ?

Started by preferlocus, December 06, 2023, 22:45:02

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Every time I have to navigate to a point locus asks me if I'm going to use bike/cars/etc.
I have to tap car every single time. I change my destination like 50 times in a day, and alway use my car to reach it.

Is there a way to make this process quicker ? Like use the last selected method or make me remove the other method I don't use at all ?



may you please share the exact steps you do 50x a day?
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Sure, I use this wonderful app for my work as a postman. I deliver between 50 to 100 parcels and packages daily. I saved the locations I need to reach as points in my library. So each time I:

- tap on the magnifying glass
  - tap on the hamburger icon (optional)
  - tap on search in points (optional)
- type the name of the point
  - if the orientation of my device is landscape i need to exit the keyboard (optional)
- tap on the magnifying glass to confirm my search, since hitting enter add a new line
- scroll throughs results and tap on the location i want to reach (point)
- tap on the bottom bar to select the navigate icon
- tap on "Navigate to"
  - if last method is not stored tap on Fast (optional)
- tap again on the Navigate icon
- start my journey

I thought that maybe this process could be a little streamlined. Do you think there's a faster way to navigate to a point using last stored method ?

I think this 3 steps could be simplified:

- tap on "Navigate to"
  - if last method is not stored tap on Fast (optional)
- tap again on the Navigate icon

EDIT: I wanted to add that I use this app so frequently that I recently received a notification about being a 'frequent user' or something similar. I'm also a 'gold' user; I subscribed to this app as soon as I realized how useful it is for me.

Thanks a lot and sorry for the wall of text

Andrew Heard

Out of interest I tried to reduce the # steps. But I couldn't...
  • tap on Points button in side panel (configured)
  • tap on magnifying glass
  • enter search title
  • tap on magnifying glass
  • scroll & tap on result
  • tap on navigate button
  • tap on Navigate To button
  • tap on navigate button
but if you are moving between 50 points (50 parcels) how is using "last stored point" useful?
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on December 18, 2023, 03:05:10but if you are moving between 50 points (50 parcels) how is using "last stored point" useful?

I refer to last stored method for reaching the point (car/bike/etc - I always use car).



I'm checking your steps and see a few problems there:
- The "Search button" missing on the keyboard when searching for points
- The last selected folder in the search is not preserved
- The "Navigate to" screen is deprecated and will be removed soon (I hoped for this month, but it looks more on February next year)

Anyway, when I choose for example "Touring" bike, the next time this "Navigate to" screen is visible, the correct profile is preselected. Interesting.

None of the problems is easily solvable. The search screen waits for deeper integration to the new search system and "Navigate to" will be replaced by improvements in the Route planner. A little patience and I'm sure, your workflow will be improved :).
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: preferlocus on December 18, 2023, 08:16:33I refer to last stored method for reaching the point (car/bike/etc - I always use car).
@preferlocus - I selected the Fast car first time, then for each further navigation the Fast car was still selected. Is this different for you? It's hard to imagine how the # steps could be reduced for an ad-hoc list of points except to have all points in a single ordered folder rather than needing a free-text search.
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


QuoteI selected the Fast car first time, then for each further navigation the Fast car was still selected. Is this different for you?
I double checked and you're right, the last method selected gets correctly stored for the next times. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong but it happened a lot of time that the selection got forgotten and had to tap again on the preferred method.

Andrew Heard

Is there a way you can put all the points in a folder by some sort-order so you don't have to do a free-text-search each time? That would save some tapping time.
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on December 20, 2023, 04:35:47Is there a way you can put all the points in a folder by some sort-order so you don't have to do a free-text-search each time? That would save some tapping time.

Unfortunately no because the locations I need to reach change everyday, but thanks for the help anyway. I'll think about it