Offline maps from KMZ files

Started by davr, July 20, 2011, 21:15:11

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It would be nice if you could load image overlays embedded in KMZ files as offline maps. Various programs can export these (including google earth), and it might be a way for people to easily create custom offline maps (from trail maps etc)


I agree. It would make it much easier to create custom maps and also share the custom maps with what the garmin community have been doing.

Check here:

Garmin's instructions detail a simple 5-step process for creating a Garmin Custom Map. The steps involved to creating a Custom Map are:
1. Find a JPEG image of the map you would like use on your GPS.
2. Calibrate the image using Google Earth using Google Earth's ground overlay feature.
3. Save the ground overlay as a KMZ file to your Garmin GPS.
4. Enable the custom map on your GPS. CM3.)


Yes, this is exactly what I do with my Garmin Montana (which I would like to replace with Locus).  There is a local govt WMS server with aerial photos.  Since I cannnot download WMS offline with locus, I create geocoded images of the WMS maps and use them with my Garmin GPS.  Being able to display image overlay pictures in locus would be great (becuase then I could use my bigger Galaxy Tab).


MAPC2MAPC can convert KMZ files to Locus sqlitedb map format...might want to give that a try. I've had decent luck with it so far.


really? hmm good to know. Feel free to contact creator of MAPC2MAPC. I was talking with him (mainly because of 10% discount when bought from Locus homepage) and he seems to be very glad to help, so try it when something should work and do not work!
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