Place name line breaks now much worse!

Started by john_percy, March 14, 2023, 14:48:43

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Has anything changed in the Mapsforge renderer to cause place names to split as in the attached screenshot? Two of the villages have their names split. If I reduce the font size I can stop the splitting but at the expense of legibility.
It looks as if the text box width is now too small.

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Voluntary and Velocity themes -


Sorry, I've just noticed this has already been covered in another thread.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -


I'm curious if this "high quality" line breakup/hyphenation from Android (see github from other thread) library will deal nicely with geo names like in your examples ... :-)


Hmm, I've just created and published the new Beta version, but this, already fixed, is not yet there.

So next beta is during the week ... I'm also curious :)
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