LoMaps + MapsForge V4

Started by Menion, February 20, 2023, 22:04:30

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The naming convention for "poi" theme is nameOfBaseMapTheme_layerId.poi.xml
When the layerId id of layer is defined in <stylemenu> of the base map theme.

Anyway, only the internal theme supports this special "poi" themes. It is not yet fully implemented for alternative themes, but there are plans to support it...

Please see https://github.com/asamm/lomaps-mapsforge#poi-themes
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@john_percy @karlchick
The new version of LoMaps 2023.05.05 is available in the store. It supports new tags and also some changes in Hike&Bike routes (problem with planned or unused routes). Please check & test :)
Thanks, Petr


@voldapet Are you able to make maps available for testing purposes as before?

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


@john_percy ahh I'm sorry. I thought that everybody here is a Gold member ;) I'll discuss it with @Menion and I think we can add some maps again on GD as before.
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LoMaps of UK + Germany for the test are prepared here.
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Disused route: name has gone, but route still shows as nwn. The two routes that run there are both lwn. https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=8309.msg71706.msg#71706
Edit: or look here where there is only the one route and the route still shows but is nameless! geo:51.37445,7.63300?z=19

Tunnel unchanged https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=8309.msg71369.msg#71369
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Just spotted that cutting tag is not supported, is this possible to include?

Attached shows latest lomap v4 vs oam, getting alot closer to OS map now with the usage of the designation tag.  Note that green lane is missing the cutting in lomap.

I do also miss the increased number of contours of oam maps still... and, of course, the inclusion if OS crag data 😉.
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Found another issue, I think... it looks like that tag lm_highway does not include all the tags that highway has? 

I'm using lm_highway with routes and designation, since routes are not tied to highways.

At the moment, I can't tell when a route is attached to a highway that has restrictions tagged through the designation tag. 

E.g. attached 1st image shows a route that follows a section of track and footway that is designation=unclassified_highway, highlighted red,  for these cases OS maps display just green dots instead of green dashes, see first image.

The second image shows what I want to display, using highway but this is not linked to route, so this affects footpaths with routes and no designation, see right side of second image...

BTW, the highlight colours used for designations here match the colours used for uk signage on PROW:
  - Yellow = footpath
  - Blue = Bridleway
  - Purple - Restricted byway
  - Red - Other routes / BOAT

Does lm_highway inherit all tags from the associated highway tag?

If not,  can designation tag be added to lm_highway?

Fyi, here is the theme code I'm trying to use in these cases:

<rule e="way" k="route" v="foot|hiking"
  <rule e="way" k="network" v="iwn|nwn|rwn|lwn|uwn">
      <rule e="way" k="lm_highway" v="footway|path|pedestrian|track|bridleway|cycleway|service" >
        <rule e="way" k="designation" v="~"> <!-- designation ways drawn elsewhere -->
            <!-- Draw footpaths -->
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Disused route: I hope I found the correct ways you mentioned as problematic (see bellow). I'm sorry but both ways are members of valid relation and should be displayed? Did I miss something?

Tunnels - what exactly do you mean? (the link is about viaduct). Anyway, the hiking/cycling ways should contain tunnels and bridge tags inherited from the original ways. The problem with layer=-1 for tunnels isn't still fixed - maybe later in 2023/2024

"lm_highway" has the same values as the original "highway" tag. The other tags (except mentioned tunnel/bridge) aren't inherited.
"Designation" tag can not be added at this moment. I'm sorry but Mapsforge can handle OSM features if they have a maximum of 15 tags. The hiking/cycling ways are on the edge of this limit (because custom tags like lm_highway, osmc foreground/background, colors, text, length of text, bridge,tunnel...)

Contour lines, OS data - maybe later ;)



Disused route
It is clearest where there is only one route such as Höhlenweg: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/86496950
This is tagged type=disused_route (perhaps should be tagged type=historic:route). In any case it ISN'T type=route, which should be a requirement.

The linked post is about a tunnel, though there is a viaduct alongside. The problem is that the tunnel DOESN'T appear on Lomaps! (Maybe that's why you thought the link wasn't about a tunnel!) I think this must be the case with any underwater tunnel in LoMaps -- it dates back to the old maps as well.
Dartford East Tunnel, geo:51.4647,0.2571?z=14
The best solution is to do with layers, so that may have to wait.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Disused route
I'm sorry but I don't understand - the relation https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2003487 isn't shown in the latest offline LoMaps

Dartford East Tunnel is in layer=-1 and this situation isn't still improved in the LoMaps. I think that OAM edits the layer tag to "solve" this issue. I think we could also try something similar sometime in future versions.


Disused route
Terribly sorry, my bad. I downloaded the wrong region of Germany from the latest maps and was inadvertently looking at an old map instead. You are correct, that issue has been resolved, thanks.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Another request... I'm finding it difficult to view the regional cycle networks when zoomed out, ie, get a feel for where they are and which link up with which.

This is because rcn they appear from zoom level 12, but I want to zoom out further.

OAM have rcn routes appear from 10, and this seems to work much better, see attached comparison image. Second image shows best view possible currently with LoMap by zooming out at level 12.
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


@Menion @voldapet
Doesn't Locus support the improved text break algorithm in Mapsforge? In the screenshot, the town name ought to break at a hyphen.

(As in https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/pull/1392 )

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Should be. But it still seems not to work as expected > we have identical problems in LoMaps, unfortunately.
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