Locus allegedly starts recording track but in fact does *NOT*

Started by Pleitegeier250, December 13, 2022, 15:01:08

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Hi Guys,

Since many years I use Locus Map for all my outdoor activities: Hiking, cycling, and most of all: Geocaching! I record every single GC tour I take.

A few days ago, I installed the latest update to v4.13.0 (Premium Gold Package). Now, LM doesn't record any tracks at all!  :(

I already checked all forum posts, searched the Internet, checked all relevant settings over and over again: Nothing....

I also repeatedly checked all corresponding Android settings (OnePlus Nord2, Android 12) as proposed on your help pages.

The red dot in the lower left corner of the screen blinks red/white after starting track recording, it shows the track time, but not a single meter or point is recorded, no matter when or where I go/drive (see attachment).

As I go for GC several days a week, that is very annoying and disappointing for me.

Before the recent update (don't know the exact version before, but it definitely also was a 4.x), everything worked fine. I have dozens and dozens of recorded tracks.

What goes wrong here? What else can I do to get recording back working?

Any hint is highly appreciated!

Besides that:
I really LOVE Locus Map and use it on a daily basis - I don't need any other GC or card app at all.

Thanks, Guys and keep on going with this great app!!!

Stefan aka Pleitegeier250


Hello Stefan,
may you please add to this side panel on screenshot values HDOP and VDOP? Just long-click on any existing field and choose from the options that appear. In the app is a small filter that should remove invalid locations and this may be a source of problems. The app waits till both values will be less than value "5". Let me know what you will see, thanks!
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Hi Menion!

Thanks a lot for your reply. Unfortunately, I just saw it right now (didn't get a mail notification).

I just installed the updated version 4.13.1 - and you know what: Recording works again, out of the box, without changing any settings!  :D

So from my point of view, this topic is resolved.

Again, thanks a lot for your GREAT work!!! *thumbsup*

Have a great Christmas time for all the team.  :)



Perfect, glad to read that quick fix helped.
Enjoy Christmas as well  ;)
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