[MAPS] - Vector maps

Started by Menion, July 17, 2011, 09:49:21

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Quote from: "supermaz"Could you give me coordinates where this happens because i can't find this on my map which i converted myself.

N 50°56.440', E 06°57.595 (Köln, Cologne)



Dear Robert,

This is the Museum? I can see it on all zoom level on my map.

Shall i upload my germany map so that you can Test?



Don't know if it's the museum - I only see some white spaces ;-)
I just tested what jusc reported. I openend Locus and searched for "Köln", and saw the white spaces that jusc reported.
Then I took my screenshots with the advanced map viewer (same behaviour as Locus)... (zoomlevel 10/11 were buggy, all others worked for me as well)

Of cource, you can upload the germany map, then we will test it.
Maybe the guys from mapsforge comment on the bug reports from jusc and me in the meantime.

Edit: I also tried it with C:Geo (open-source) and there also is this bug. So it's either a mapsforge or a mapdata bug. (but md5sum is correct).

Btw, great community!



Berkley, thanks a lot for what you've done!
Your archiving and storage coordination and the functionality of Locus ... what a wonderful team ; )


Quote from: "guerini"... but when I try to load one, I see only blank background and "not exists" written on it.

I think you have to click on the name of the map instead of the grey little box, and hold the click a little.
in the appearing context-menu you have to click on something like "center map" (it's called "Karte zentrieren" in german, that's why I don't know the exact term) and then go to a zoom level around 100km.

I think your problem is like mine first that my location was totally far away from the actual map-center of the loaded map.

hope it helps,



Quote from: "laufzeitfehler"Don't know if it's the museum - I only see some white spaces ;-)
I just tested what jusc reported. I openend Locus and searched for "Köln", and saw the white spaces that jusc reported.
Then I took my screenshots with the advanced map viewer (same behaviour as Locus)... (zoomlevel 10/11 were buggy, all others worked for me as well)

Of cource, you can upload the germany map, then we will test it.
Maybe the guys from mapsforge comment on the bug reports from jusc and me in the meantime.


here you can download my generated germany.map

Please test if you can see Cologne there (even if they brew horrible beer  :D there)


COOL ! can I download that too?  :lol:
Or is it just for Robert?


Please got ahead. I'll cut it if the traffic becomes too much.

Do you have white spaces, too?

If this map works better, maybe berkley can upload it to multiload and replace the links in post #2?


I'll check that as soon as possible!

Thanks anyway!



is there a way to have more than one vector map selected? It would be great to be possible because then you could install e.g. germany, netherlands, belgien, etc. And if you are travelling across the borders you could just enable the countries you need. If you stay inside a country, you could deselect all unneeded countries. The problem is that e.g. whole europe is to big to be converted.

Best regards,




thanks very much. I'm currently downloading the map and will test if there are whitespaces too. I'll provide an update!

supermaz, I tried your germany.map, and there are no whitespaces in Cologne (Köln). Very interesting.
So, whats wrong with the mapsforge map, is it corrupt although the md5 checksums match?

Again, thanks for this map. For me it is perfect! Maybe you can upload it to berkleys storage - for all others out there.

Thx, Robert


Hi everybody,

I was just to embark on a mission to convert my Garmin topo map for use with locus when I found this thread. So there have been quite an impressive improvement on vectormaps, thanks to all contributors, especially menion and berkley.

Now I have to get another phone however since change in zoomlevels look more like on my old Garmin Handheld GPSr ;-)

Best regards


Quote from: "jones12ax7"My dream is to place that wonderful maps on Locus, so I don't have to carry another gadget on trail. I converted the .img file to .osm, so I can use it on Locus. By the way, TrackMaker doesn't export to .osm directly. I had to do the following workaround:
 Original Garmin .img -> Exported as .dbx with Mapdekode -> Exported as .gtm with TrackMaker -> Converted to .osm with GPSBabel -> Converted to .map with Osmosis Mapwriter plugin

I could not get that work. Mapdekode doesnt work on my garmin .img or on another .img made from .osm either. Any other trys going with gpsmapedit to .mp, with ptxt2shp to .shp and somehow to .osm dont work either. I'm stuck.



ptx2shp seems nice! I just tried that. You can convert from .shp to .osm with Merkaartor ( I dont know if it has a Windows versions).
I'm stuck now with osmosis and mapwriter plugin.



just using the new vector maps download feature within locus.

A qucik question: For larger countries you have several files for downloading. Are those different files "connected" that way that if I move from one area to another that I see it or do have to manualy switch between those maps.

If this is the case this would be also quite uncomfortable if traveling in a "border" area where you are crossing the border a coupld of time.

Best regards,
