Wherigo Geocaching Tools: Some dialogs are missing

Started by technetium, January 02, 2011, 12:33:45

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I've created Wherigo Geocaching tools: http://www.wherigo.com/cartridge/detail ... d46dcf40c6

After spending quite a lot of time to make this cartridge working without crashing on both my oregon 450 as the emulator, I find it annoying to see it does not work completely on whereyougo.
Some examples:
Characters => Converter => Values => Input: Just returns to the converter screen, I was expecting a dialog screen with the calculated values of the string. (Morse instead of Value does work as expected, but other dialog screens are also missing.
You See => A) Dorp (or any other town) => Actions => Properties: None of the drop down boxes work. I suspect this has something to do with initialization going wrong, since after I selected in Character => Wherigo => Language a language, the dropdown selections doe appear.
Calculation of a point does also not work, for exaple after  A) Dorp => Actions => Project  of Geometric => Intersections => Lines I expect a zone to be created on the point where the projection or the intersection occured.

I hope you have enough information to fix WhereYouGo or to help me fix my cardridge. If you need more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.



Hi technetium,
  I'm currently fully focused on Locus, so may you do some more testing? WhereYouGo core is based on OpenWIG, so when something do not work in OpenWIG, it'll not work in WhereYouGo too!! otherwise, if something work in OpenWIG and not in WhereYouGo, I'm sure that this is my mistake and should be solved!

  so please test your cartridge also in OpenWIG (phone with Java ME or emulator). If you have same problems in OpenWIG, write this issue on OpenWIG code page here or let me know if it's problem only in WhereYouGo and I'll fix this! Thanks
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Thank you for your quick reply. Unfortunately I don't have a mobile phone capable of running j2me. I've tried to convert openWIG with http://www.netmite.com/android/srv/2.0/getapk.php When I then try to run openWIG I get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (null) at details

Do you have any suggetion how to test my wherigo on open WIG, i do own an android telephone a windows (vista) laptop and an minimac (old!)



  I wrote quickly short manual how to run OpenWIG on desktop computer here.

  hope this helps ...
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It would really be nice if all the functions of Wherigo Geocaching tools workes. It's a great cartridge