Duplicated contour lines in Lomaps

Started by bruno60, November 01, 2022, 15:08:45

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Hi guys,  I'm using locus maps 4.12.1 and  purchased Lomaps Italy north dated 15.8.2022.

I just realized that I have double contour lines,  which could be the problem?

See attached a screenshot.

Any help is welcomed.You cannot view this attachment.


Hello Bruno
which map theme do you use with LoMaps(V3)?

since now i have this problem only with different V4+ maps and different map themes

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on November 01, 2022, 16:22:13Hello Bruno
which map theme do you use with LoMaps(V3)?

since now i have this problem only with different V4+ maps and different map themes


Hello Balloni
I use hike & bike theme. 
What do you mean by lomaps v3?  I just have locus v4 installed.

I have to say that as soon as I switch to the Lomaps the contour lines are ok but after some zooming and moving the problem appears.

I also have Oam map and it is ok.


Hello Bruno
I realize that you are using LM4 as an app. ;)

vector maps (mapsforge) are offered in the versions V3, V4 and the latest as V5.

In order to display the map details correctly, you also need the map theme that matches the version.

All LoMaps are currently only available in version V3 and therefore they only work with V3 themes as offered as default by Locus.

Which version of OAM maps do you use and with which map theme?

For me it is the other way around and the problem , the contour line problem only occurs with V4 maps.

I can generate the error when I zoom in or out between ZL15 and ZL18.


Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4
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Viajero Perdido

I think Locus is displaying two maps at once.  That's been an issue I've noticed for years, usually (for me) noticeable by a darker forest color, caused by identical OAM content (from adjacent overlapping maps) being rendered twice.  In your case, it looks like those maps show different contour sets.  (OAM recently switched to higher-precision contour data.)

Because of this, I've had to turn off "automatic map loading", which otherwise would be extremely useful.  I hope Menion fixes this some day.


Hi Viajero Perdido,

It seems you got it,  I recently enabled automatic map loading to use some scanned map I created.

Disabling this feature the problem seems to be gone.


Hi Balloni55,
Sorry I misunderstood your question.

Oam maps are V5 with Elevate v5 theme.

Anyway it seems that the problem was the automatic map loading. 

Now I disabled and so far I never saw the problem.


@ Viajero Perdido
thanks for your help
with disabeled  "automatic map loading" the conturlines are displayed as expected :D
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Viajero Perdido


PS, if Menion wishes to look at this, I have a hunch the accidental doubling of maps also occurs if you have two maps of the same type and region, but from different dates.  I routinely rename my OAM maps to include the month/year of issue, and keep an older copy or two in my unit (... so I can debug unexpected changes to the data).


Hmm thanks, but I'm not sure it worth the work. Two maps of the same type and region: why to have them on the device? Anyway, problem is that app loads and use both, understand. This I believe happens only with OAM maps, because LoMaps had precisely defined area of coverage so this should not happen there.

Hmm ... I probably know why this happens, but I'm not sure there is anything I may simply do with it  :-\
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Viajero Perdido

BTW, my main area of interest - eastern BC - is double-covered by OAM's AB and BC maps.  There's significant overlap where AB's map is well outside the borders, big enough to cover entire vacations.  But I'm grateful for the overlap because the BC map is huge, and I don't download it often.  So I have older BC data, and the freshest AB data, for the same large area.  (And I don't know what the auto-chooser should do.)

So that's perhaps a more real-world example.  :)

I can live with it.