[APP] - version 0.9.0

Started by Menion, January 01, 2011, 20:21:10

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Hi to all,
  hope you've got nice start of new year. Me ... yes :)

so ... some news are coming. It'll take same time since new version will be on market. I really want to test some features. If you want, you should help with developing by testing new versions of Locus from this topic!

6.1.2011 - Locus 0.9.0
  • uff ... enough waiting. New version is on Market and I hope that all will work well or at least, no angry one star comments, will not appear on market!
  • small info: myTracks support is currently removed. I did great work on this today but I need to new version of MyTracks release on market. Until that, I cannot release my version with this support

5.1.2011 - Locus
  • adding paths to MyMaps (filled or just lines)
  • new dialog for adding point to MyMaps
  • ability to export MyMaps data to Locus database
  • many others fixs ... ufff

4.1.2011 - Locus
  • improved ability to add points. Now use correct icons.
  • ability to DELETE points.
  • ability to add Points from database to MyMaps! (Start editing any map and then click on item from database)
  • fixed many bugs with showing maps
  • added ability to cache calling to show MyMaps from SMS, email, ... (for example previously sended by Locus 'any MyMaps -> Share')

... and c'mon guys, any feedback is needed :)

3.1.2011 - Locus
  • impoved MyMaps support!!!
  • fixed problems on A2.1 and lower
  • ability to create NEW maps in application
  • ability to ADD POINTS into MyMaps from application
  • some fixs and improvements

1.1.2011 - Locus
  • basic support for MyMaps (viewing)!!!
  • basic integration of MyTracks
  • ability to import and show tracks on map
  • offline mod for online maps (in settings)
  • changed style of bottom menus (two lines now)

about MyTracks integration - version that support this integration is not currently on market, so you have to use attached, UNSIGNED MyTracks (you need to remove old MyTracks and install this), otherwise, Stop recording function will not work. Also track is not visible on map, even in MyTracks. It's just for start and stop recording. System of MyTracks is still in developing, so I'm waiting with integration to final version!

what I want before release?
  • tune MyMaps integration, with ability to share maps and delete them
  • wait a while for MyTracks release and improve MyTracks integration (viewing recorded tracks on map, ability to show another recorded tracks on map, ...)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Interesting development of app Locus. But here's a little problem: App MyMaps doesn't work on Android Froyo 2.2.


interesting, I have also A2.2!
  what's the problem? did application end with "force close"? If so, send me please logs from "locus/logs" directory ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


My problem is not Locus,  but My Tracks. In this app I can see functional charts and table, but track only on the raster - not on the map (google map). Notice: standard phone app Mapy Google (in Czech) works OK. Maybe I have null problem. Excuse me.


  it's OK :) ... I have similar problem. Don't know what's wrong with this version of MyTracks, but it is just developing version so it'll be sure fixed in final version. Purpose of this MyTracks version is just for Start and Stop route record.

  Currently I'm fully focused on support of MyMaps so let's wait for a while (~until end of January) if developers of MyTracks create any new market version. if so, then I'll do full support for Locus. If not, I'll create own recording service. Until then, test mainly MyMaps, and I'm going back to work on ability to add own path to MyMaps ;)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


where do you add these 3 updates in Locus? folder location?


  I'm not sure about time. This functionality really needs to be tested and I still have almost no feedback from users! But I'll probably remove unfinished MyTracks support and release before weekend new version. And yes, support for external directory have to do also :)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


THE UPDATE IS AWESOME!! 4 stars for you my friend!!


just 4?? I need 5 ;)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


but why does the route planning only work when you have an internet connection?? it does not work without an internet connection.


route planning?? there is no route planning :)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


didnt really mean route planning. But you cant place a path or a track on the map manually unless the phone is conected to the internet. If i disconnect the WiFi internet on my phone or go out of range...if i click on the right tab in Locus (the little guy holding the flag) it just says "information" www.google.com, and does nothing. But if i am connected to the internet the application for making a path on the map works fine.


ah, understand now ...
  little guy with flag is icon for MyMaps. These maps are maps stored on google server. It's whole thing. Without internet connection, you cannot use these MyMaps. If you're not familiar with MyMaps, look for example here //http://maps.google.com/support/bin/static.py?hl=en&page=guide.cs&guide=21670&topic=21676.

  I'm going to sleep now :) so try to understand, if any problems we should discuss it tomorrow ;)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Recents improvements are sooo great. Tracks integration was the only missing feature.

Now it beats Google Maps hands down !!  :twisted:

Thanks you again for this useful application. (specially for trips abroad, where I can't use my data connection)

I'm going to give I a donation via PayPal  ;)