Missing break in long track recording

Started by 11elevenths, July 01, 2022, 22:09:19

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I took a 7k drive recently and ran locus constantly except one day the phone ran out of power and went dead.  I charged it and restarted locus and figured I had lost @200-300 miles.  That night I looked at the track and there is no gap??????  How do you do this?


what a ride ...  :o

"Gap" in the recording is made by pressing the "Pause" button or if the recording is paused by for example "device without power" for more than 10 minutes.

Is it possible that "break" in recording was shorter than 10 minutes? Anyway, you may simply add a missing break into the existing track in the "Track editor" function.
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I am almost sure the phone was off for much longer than 10 minutes.  I attached the power cord, got it running again and launched locus but can't remember if I had to to start recording again.  That night when I stopped the recording and looked at it there was no gap.  I don't know how this is possible unless the system "guesses" and inserts the most direct point to point track but I doubt that and based on your answer the system will only auto fill a lost part of a track if it's less than 10 minutes.  So this will always be a mystery but all in a good way I guess.


Hmm hard to say what really happens, sorry.

But as I wrote > "10 minutes" is important here. Within this time frame, app should not break the track and also restore track recording automatically even if you do not start the app after the phone restart!

Anyway, I'm really glad that the app was able to withstand so a long trip. And you as well :)
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