Quickest way to add Waypoints

Started by Jethro10, May 18, 2022, 15:17:40

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What's the quickest way to add  visual Waypoints to routes?
I'm finding it very tedious.
Click the bottom burger menu
Click Tracks and routes manager
click the track.
From this summary screen, it's the only place I can see "Waypoints - nothing here yet"
Click the right arrow
Click the +
Click "add new"
Click the location icon
Click "select on map"
Where I can finally position the cursor and then
Click the tick icon.

It's one of the few major failings coming from OsmAnd where you can have a route open. Click the map, choose add to a current open route and I'm basically done.



Hello Jeff,

good question. Currently, steps are as you wrote. The problem I see is that Locus Map does not have a concept of an "Active route". There may be hundreds of routes loaded on the map at once.
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Ok. Mind, Osmand also allowed many tracks open at once.
All I can think of then is a time/date field in the SQL database for time opened and when you press and hold the screen, as well as creating a POI option there's an add to last track as waypoint option. I'm sure most people work on the most recent track?
It's a shame it's so convoluted I just don't use it and hope I just remember what I'm trying to do when out.



Last idea.
Go the normal route to add a point and tag the track internally as "most recent". Then you can add subsequent ones to "last used track" visually.


Basically solved it, allowing visual choosing of point then adding with least amount of effort.
Place cursor on track where I require a POI. Touch cursor, which really touched and highlights the track which makes the bottom part of the screen pop up as the picture. Slide it higher, select Waypoints and add your data without the need to later select location as it's already chosen.
Much easier.