[APP] - version 4.9.+ ( 04/2022 )

Started by Menion, April 25, 2022, 16:11:17

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New Locus Map (4) version

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25. 4. 2022 - Locus 4.9.0
3. 5. 2022 - Locus 4.9.1
6. 5. 2022 - Locus 4.9.2
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Hello menion
displaying centered and rotating map
i start PIP from side panel
next i click on "arrow in two directions" inside PIP > main locus window open but map orientation freeze, only compass arrow  rotate

Question, when I click on the PIP window it is enlarged for a short time but displayed darkened is there a reason for this
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Žajdlík Josef

After pressing the back button for the first time on the phone, this warning message will be shown.
    The following users thanked this post: lor74cas


incorrect texts in the notification > hmm, these texts are set once when the task starts and are never updated. Not a simple task to be true :). This notify center is in the queue and waiting for the bigger update, so ...

thanks for the logs related to the app killing. These are logs directly made by Locus Map right? They are useful for some debugging and testing tasks, but in case, the system kills the app, the app has no chance (no time) to write any info about this crash into these logs. So in case, we try to debug some "crash", it is necessary to create a system log which should be! everything.

It looks like PiP behaves quite different compare to my tests. Still Samsung with Android 11?

@Žajdlík Josef
hmm, maybe something because of the Dashboard you use?
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QuoteStill Samsung with Android 11?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: Menion on April 26, 2022, 08:41:29
@Žajdlík Josef
hmm, maybe something because of the Dashboard you use?

I do not know, but in the previous version 4.8x it did not. I attach Dashborad settings.


Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on April 26, 2022, 08:29:22
After pressing the back button for the first time on the phone, this warning message will be shown.
No dashboard, but same issue.
Not only with back button, but also:
touch icon of layers in the map and than back, same popup.
If you ignore the pop up it does not trigger anymore, but exiting Locus and clearing it from memory, at the restart it cames again.
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Quotechg: improved system of generating shaping points for recorded/imported tracks loaded to route planner

What's the use case of this, how can this be useful? Just curious... I'd never try route planner on a recorded track. So now I did and it created shaping point #1 somewhere in the middle and some other shaping points somewhere.
So if Locus could algorithmically recreate a route from a recorded track (like BRouter web can do in "Load track as route"), that would make sense... but I don't see that on the horizon.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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@Zajdlík Josef, @lor74cas
ah, I probably get it. Not a technical problem you should worry about, just a notification that should not be visible. Fixed, thanks.

Petr just tested it on his new Samsung device and no such problem with PiP as you have. Really interesting. I'll be probably looking on this function a little more later, and because it is not a critical issue, let it be for while, thanks.

This change automatically generates shaping points on recorded tracks on places, which should help easily modify the recorded track in the Route planner without a worry, that by movement on a single point, the whole track will be totally changed (as it worked before). If you do not have needs to modify recorded tracks, this feature has no benefit for you ...
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Kinda interesting. This could, if e. g. there were more shaping points, help recreating a clean track.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Interesting new feature to generate shaping points in planner for imported tracks.

I guess it's difficult to find a balance between to many or not enough points.

So I just tried it and found some errors in my example. Just picked one area to show two issues. When you check complete track it's easy to find more.

I imported the attached gpx. Opened it in planner. Then did a recalc with brouter, car-fast.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on April 26, 2022, 14:55:14
This change automatically generates shaping points on recorded tracks on places, which should help easily modify the recorded track in the Route planner without a worry, that by movement on a single point, the whole track will be totally changed (as it worked before). If you do not have needs to modify recorded tracks, this feature has no benefit for you ...
@tapio - see my topic here on equivalent problem with WebPlanner - if the WebPlanner had same functionality as LM4 now has for automatically generating shaping points it would be so much better. This is a very useful Route Planner improvement for any GPX recorded elsewhere (not LM) without Via or other points. Without it, any recalculate-all will often completely change the route. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: CabrioTourer on April 26, 2022, 22:34:39
Interesting new feature to generate shaping points in planner for imported tracks.

I guess it's difficult to find a balance between to many or not enough points.
@CabrioTourer - check out how http://brouter.de/brouter-web allows total user control of balance of points - Load > Load Track as Route > Tuning > Fuzziness slider control - one side very few shaping points, other side of slider - lots of shaping points - no need for system to compromise because user decides - very nice system IMHO. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio


Menion, you still looking at this? I checked again with release 4.9.0, but behaviour was the same, apart from map rotation now working.

Quote from: slarti76 on April 22, 2022, 12:00:00
Quote from: Menion on April 22, 2022, 11:26:11
Locus & Pokémon GO  ;D
Guilty pleasure... ;)

Quote from: Menion on April 22, 2022, 11:26:11Thanks for the tests! You were really able to resize and move this PiP window fully freely? Weird, it should not be possible.
Well, as I said, ratio was fixed, but I could make it much bigger. Is that really not supposed to be possible? I mean, e.g. if I use VLC as pop-up, I can resize it to like 90% of the screen width (but also the ratio is fixed).
Ah, I just realized something: A video is, of course, in landscape - so resizing to full width is possible. Locus was initially 1:1, which obviously also allowed it. Once you changed the ratio to 3:2, it's not possible anymore, because then you could basically resize it the more or less full screen size. So Android doesn't allow it. Of course it's ridiculous why Android forces this on the user, also that snapping to left or right of screen, but we all know Google...
Does that sound like a possible explanation to you? (I don't have a portrait video around that I could try with VLC...)
Anyway, perhaps you could at least let the user choose whether it wants the pop-up in portrait, landscape, or square. Everything after that is Android, and we have to live with it. But 3:2 portrait is very likely not what you want in every situation...

Quote from: Menion on April 22, 2022, 11:26:11It is also not possible to define own custom buttons there. For this, you may simply use the split-screen mode of your device, you do not need a PiP.
Sure, ok. But then why have that bar at all? As I said, just put the Navi Icon in the upper left and voilà - space saved...

Quote from: Menion on April 22, 2022, 11:26:11- map zoom > there should be no changes when switching to PiP, so you should see a zoom visible on current map.
Oh, you're right, didn't realize that. However, I had "Automatic Zooming" on, and that doesn't seem to work in PIP - could that be enabled there, too?

Oh, and additional thing: Does anyone else notice that the Text-to-Speech setting is reset? I always set it to none (don't want any audio output), but it happened to me at least three times now that after an update, it was active again. And once, I even suddenly had miles instead of km as distance unit.
Nothing severe, just a little worrying that settings change out of the blue, wondering if others experienced that, too...


Quotevery nice system IMHO
But only really VERY valuable if a track glitch detector (prevention) is also provided. And on condition that both the very useful Via and Shaping Planner points are transferred into the gpx file.  This nice web planner, especially the version of Marcus with its exceptionally fast updates, loses its "brilliance" because of an insufficiently performant gpx transfer mode. It can be done simply, very discreetly, and robustly. This has been amply demonstrated and tested.

A track glitch decetion and warning may be nice, but you also need to have the right tools to fix it. And you can do that on the condition that you fully respect and  preserves the cause of it, namely the planner point(s), and so can thus also reposition them.  Therefore both planner points must remain fully supported and available also after and through a gpx file transfer. Since this is the only transfer method for BRouter web, in contrast to the Locus 'Gold' eco system where the exchange is of course more direct. A question of customer loyalty ;-)
Locus Pro Classic 3.70.15 - Locus map 4.27.1