[APP] - version 4.8.+ ( 04/2022 )

Started by Menion, March 30, 2022, 15:24:43

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I know I know. Andrew already reported this a few days ago here and I'm still unable to correctly simulate it. But I'll look at it more precisely at Monday, promise  :)

Alternative turn-off method > hmm I did no changes here. Interesting ...

"Hide" button. Agree with @freischneider, there is no space for another button. Anyway to explain: the app simply creates a list of buttons that should be placed at the bottom and only a certain number is visible, the rest is in the "three-dot" menu. So I promised a long time ago some kind of customization here > and this is ideal adept > allow to define order of these buttons.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on April 02, 2022, 21:57:21
...So I promised a long time ago some kind of customization here > and this is ideal adept > allow to define order of these buttons.
nice idea!
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


*** New version 4.8.2 *** uploaded to Google Play.
(and also finally! renamed Locus Map Classic 3.59.0)

And customizable track screen buttons? Later ;D
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Hello menion
when do you provide the AFA version (4.8.2 and 3.59.0) for download?
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Ah damn, I was a little tired in the evening and fully forget about this ...

Sorry, versions uploaded, thanks!
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Long tap on map content to toggle last two maps is nice! A little problem though: I believe when Locus restarts and maybe also when I select a new overlay map, you forget the previously used map and replace it with the overlay map. That doesn't make much sense, I never want the overlay to move into one of the toggle spots.


Hmm, a simple function is not so easy :). The app keeps internally the list of last selected maps and does not make difference between base map or overlays. Anyway agree, it makes sense to keep a list only of the base maps. I'll improve it.
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Distance MARKER gets into the screenshot now (4.8.2), but the distance VALUE is still missing ...


You have no idea how complicated this task is  8)
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Hello Menion,
I recently asked a question about the horizontal accuracy display on an external Bluetooth GPS receiver.
Now, horizontal accuracy is displayed. However, in order to display horizontal accuracy, in the case of U-bolx GNSS module, you need to use the "U-center" setting program to use "GxGST" in the default nmea message setting.
So U-blox module can be configured easily. However, among GNSS modules from other companies, there are cases where the "GxGST" setting cannot be found in the module's setting program.
So I personally think it would be nice to be able to change or use existing settings in expert settings for modules that cannot display "GxGST". Is it possible?


Do you want that Locus Map, when connected to any USB GNSS unit, set up this unit to send also GST messages? This is close to impossible as every unit uses its own system how to configure it.
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New Beta version published (link to download in my signature as usual).

Interesting news
- fixed a lot of problems with WMS maps, so if anyone of you uses them, give it please a try
- small experiment: picture-in-picture support when navigating. To activate it, open the nav menu during navigation and tap "PiP" button in the toolbar

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I played with wms in the attachments on the left 4.8.2 on the right
with the same configuration I was unable to display the same level on both.
I also think that a filter is needed for the levels in the case of this service they are really many and you have to scroll through the list to find the one you want.

On the page for selecting the wms services already available, a filter based on the current position would be required. Services not available for your area are useless.
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Re: pip - what is it showing, what would I need?
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thanks for testing. Hmm, I'll check it in the next days and let you know ...

nice one. Should be better now with re-generated versions.
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