Play audio file or read text file at waypoint alert

Started by greals, March 28, 2022, 03:07:15

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Hi Locus Team and supporters. 
I have searched but not been able to find discussion on possibility to play an audio file linked to a waypoint, or conversely read (text to speech) of comment or description saved with waypoint, in point alert.  I can play basic information (name, distance and direction) in point alert but would like to be able to listen to more detailed information in file (audio or text) saved with waypoint.
Is this possible?
With thanks and best regards,


Hello Gary
this is currently not possible. I'm thinking if this may be useful at all. Long texts read automatically during poi alert ... hmm. What about adding this option close to the point description text, so it may be executed manually if wanted? I'm also not sure if a basic text-to-speech engine will be easily able to read a long text ...
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Thanks for the reply and your thoughts Menion.  I do not know if this option would be useful for others but I would find it very useful for my application.  Perhaps if it was available it would open up uses for others they may not have otherwise thought of.  Option to manually execute if wanted is perfect. If long text-to-speech not possible is playing audio file more do-able?
Thanks, Gary


Understand. Oki, let's try it in the next app version. I was already thinking about support for "translation" so good reason to add both options.
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Hey Menion,
I'm sure it's not on the top of your priority list and your not too sure of its value but have you had a chance to look at this option?


Hello, it was not mentioned which version of the app we talk about. Anyway, serious development is done only in the Locus Map 4. So this change is in this version only as you may see on the screenshot.
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I'd like, please, to know how could be possible activate multi-point alert in LM4 (android). In guidance mode it seems possible to follow only one point at a time.


for this use-case exists a method called "Point alert" so suggest giving it a try.
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